
news/2024/7/10 2:32:39 标签: python, java, php, web, vue

#5 This post is part of the Velocity countdown series. Stay tuned for the articles to come.

#5这篇文章是Velocity倒数系列的一部分。 请继续关注未来的文章。

It's been over a year, since the launch of Looks good and useful for people so far. Sergey "ShowSlow" is doing also a great job of tweeting as @perfplanet about news from the perfplanet pipes as well as other interesting happenings in our perf community. Good stuff.

自perfplanet.com推出以来已经过去一年了。 到目前为止对人们来说看起来不错并且有用。 Sergey“ ShowSlow”在@perfplanet上发布有关perfplanet管道中的新闻以及我们perfplanet社区中其他有趣事件的推文也做得很好。 好东西。

From the beginning I was sure I'm not including all blogs that deserve it. And new ones come up. So I said - send me an email, I'll look around the blog and add it to the planetarium. Problem with that is that the process was cumbersome. I don't always have the time (or am just being lazy because the process is kinda involved). Namely - update a yahoo pipe and update an html page with the list of blogs.

从一开始我就确定我没有包括所有值得拥有的博客。 新的出现了。 所以我说-给我发送电子邮件,我将环顾博客并将其添加到天文馆。 这样做的问题是该过程很麻烦。 我并不总是有时间(或者只是因为这个过程有点累而变得懒惰)。 即-使用博客列表更新yahoo管道并更新html页面。

So I decided to take a few hours tonight to remedy the situation. I thought long and hard for what must have been a whole minute and the solution that came was - GitHub.

因此,我决定今晚花几个小时来纠正这种情况。 我花了整整一分钟想了很长时间,而后来的解决方案是-GitHub。

在GitHub上 (On GitHub)

All the code is now updated, there's a bit of build process, minification and such and the code is now on GitHub, yeey. So if you send a pull request, I just accept it, run the build script and update the site.

现在所有代码都已更新,还有一些构建过程,最小化等等,这些代码现在在yeey的GitHub上。 因此,如果您发送请求请求,我将接受它,运行构建脚本并更新站点。

贡献 (Contributing)

There is this "planetarium.json" file:

有这个“ planetarium.json”文件: https : //

All you have to do is update this file, add your (or your favorite) blog for syndication and that's that. Or delete a spammy or irrelevant blog.

您所要做的就是更新此文件,添加您(或您最喜欢的)博客以进行联合,仅此而已。 或删除垃圾邮件或无关的博客。

When adding a feed URL, try to find the "performance" related category. Because, sadly, not everyone is all that interested in other people's cats, as they are in other people's performance thoughts.

添加供稿网址时,请尝试查找与“效果”相关的类别。 因为可悲的是,并不是每个人都对别人的猫感兴趣,就像对别人的表演思想一样。

E.g. Ben Cherry's feed is: But we're only interested in the posts tagged "performance":

例如,本·切里(Ben Cherry)的供稿是: :但我们只对标有“性能”的帖子感兴趣: :

There are exceptions, of course, some folks only talk about performance.


i18n (i18n)

About internationalizations - talk to me. There is currently an, not necessarily maintained. But if you want to aggregate blogs in your language, you can just clone the github project, maintain your blogs and I'll setup and start pulling updates from github.

关于国际化-与我交谈。 当前有一个,不一定维护。 但是,如果您想用您的语言来汇总博客,则只需克隆github项目,维护您的博客,然后我将设置your-lang.perfplanet.com并开始从github获取更新。

构建脚本 (Build script)

So first, I switched from Yahoo Pipes to YQL. Because the aggregation request can be generated from a list of URLs, no need to use a UI, login into Pipes, etc.

所以首先,我从Yahoo Pipes切换到YQL。 由于聚合请求可以从URL列表中生成,因此无需使用UI,登录Pipes等。

Other than that, I added a build script (in JavaScript, yes!) that does this: - it takes the JSON list of blogs, an HTML template, CSS and JS - generates index.html with inline minified CSS and JS using cssmin.js and jsmin.js. Gotta minify, gotta save requests - also in the index.html there's a list of blogger names and URLs generated from the JSON - generates an ("up" as in update) - this is a curl call with generated YQL query. This file is executed by a cron job every hour to read new blog posts and write data.js - data.js is then used in index.html to display the content

除此之外,我添加了一个构建脚本(使用JavaScript,是的!),该脚本可以执行以下操作:-接收博客的JSON列表,HTML模板,CSS和JS-使用cssmin使用内联的缩小CSS和JS生成index.html。 js和jsmin.js。 必须缩小,必须保存请求-在index.html中也有从JSON生成的博客名称和URL的列表-生成如更新中的“ up”)-这是使用生成的YQL查询进行的curl调用。 这个文件由cron作业每小时执行一次,以读取新的博客文章并写入data.js-然后在index.html中使用data.js来显示内容


So that's that. Hopefully this way the site will see much more updates with new fresh content and blogs.

就是这样。 希望通过这种方式,该站点将看到更多有关新内容和博客的更新。

Bugs, etc, welcome.


Contributions to the list of blogs (or anything else really) more than welcome.


Once again - this is the site and this is its GitHub.

再次-这是网站,这是它的GitHub 。

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