
2024/4/21 19:12:44

jhipster 安装和创建项目教程

简介 jhipster简单来说是一个基于nodejsyeoman的java代码生成器。往大了说是基于java的一套微服务解决方案。请注意是一整套的微服务解决方案。jhipster在整个程序架构上都做好了整合,包括前端mvvm框架(angular/vue/react),前端构…

Registering a user with additional information

转自这里 If we need to store more information concerning a user than what JHipster provides by default, a few tweaks are needed. To illustrate this, let’s assume we want to store the user’s phone number. Creating a new entity in a One to One relations…

Configuring Email with - Gmail and more…

转自这里 Goal: By the using below mail settings you will have the default JHipster application configured to send emails from Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo. Start by running JHipster with jhipster to create a new application or use an existing JHipster generat…

Secure Your Mobile App with OIDC and Ionic for JHipster

转自 We’ve been building a ton of new projects with Ionic and JHipster here at Okta, and today I’m excited to show you how to secure those projects with OIDC. Let’s start with some basics: Ionic is a framework for building native mobile apps using web …

Creating a modern Web app using Vue.js and Spring Boot with JHipster

原文 Vue.js is the new trending framework in the Javascript front-end world, and its simplicity lets you build web applications pretty fast. The structure of a Vue.js application is very similar to an Angular application as it uses components and templates…

How to disable new user email activation in JHipster

转自这里 Edit UserService.createUser() and change these lines: // new user is not activenewUser.setActivated(false);// new user gets registration keynewUser.setActivationKey(RandomUtil.generateActivationKey()); to what is done in activateRegistration(): …

【开源软件】最好的开源软件-2023-第五名 JHipster

自我介绍 做一个简单介绍,酒架年近48 ,有20多年IT工作经历,目前在一家500强做企业架构.因为工作需要,另外也因为兴趣涉猎比较广,为了自己学习建立了三个博客,分别是【全球IT瞭望】,【…

JHipster - 常用应用程序属性

JHipster生成一个Spring Boot应用程序,并且可以使用标准的Spring Boot属性机制进行配置。 这些属性由JHipster在生成时配置,并且在开发和生产模式中通常具有不同的值:在我们的配置文件文档中了解更多信息。 在JHipster应用程序中&#xff0…