
news/2024/7/24 9:24:52 标签: 数据挖掘, java, 大数据, python, 人工智能


Enterprise customers have huge investments in transactional data systems, yet they struggle to provide their users with flexible and timely exploratory access to this data. One solution to this problem is to empower these users with the ability to use Jupyter Notebooks and Apache Spark running natively on z/OS to federate analytics across business critical data as well as external […]

企业客户在交易数据系统上进行了大量投资,但他们努力为用户提供灵活,及时的探索性访问这些数据的方法。 该问题的一种解决方案是使这些用户能够使用在z / OS上本地运行的Jupyter Notebook和Apache Spark来联合跨业务关键数据和外部[…]的分析。

作者信息 (Author information)

Dan Gisolfi

丹·吉索菲 (Dan Gisolfi)

Client-facing, strategy and development engineer responsible for architecting, implementing and running next-generation cloud applications on Bluemix, SoftLayer and private clouds.


翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2016/01/unleashing-exploration-on-enterprise-data/




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