
news/2024/7/23 10:36:46 标签: neo4j


名字要以.dump 结尾, 不然导入不到新的neo4j 数据库中

systemctl stop neo4j
neo4j-admin dump --database=neo4j --to=/tmp/neo4j.dump


1> 把备份文件放到一个目录下,只有备份文件


2> 恢复数据

brew services  stop neo4j
neo4j-admin database load --from-path=/Users/bailongma/Documents/neo4j.dumpLoad/  --overwrite-destination=true neo4j --verbose

The loaded database 'neo4j' is not on a supported version (current format: AF4.3.0 introduced in 4.3.0). Use the 'neo4j-admin database migrate' command

3> 安装执行 migrate 加上–force-btree-indexes-to-range

neo4j-admin database migrate neo4j --force-btree-indexes-to-range

不加速上–force-btree-indexes-to-range 会包如下错误

2024-03-11 02:52:03.317+0000 ERROR [o.n.c.d.MigrateStoreCommand] Failed to migrate database 'neo4j': Migration will remove all BTREE indexes and constraints backed by BTREE indexes. To guard against unintentionally removing indexes or constraints, it is recommended for all BTREE indexes or constraints backed by BTREE indexes to have a valid replacement. Indexes can be replaced by RANGE, TEXT or POINT index and constraints can be replaced by constraints backed by RANGE index. Please drop your indexes and constraints or create replacements and retry the migration. The indexes and constraints without replacement are: [Index( id=9, name='index_9e928bcf', type='BTREE', schema=(:Concept {id}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' ), Index( id=8, name='index_9cd40186', type='BTREE', schema=(:Order {orderID}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' ), Index( id=7, name='index_22b7066a', type='BTREE', schema=(:Customer {customerID}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' ), Index( id=4, name='index_60a51174', type='BTREE', schema=(:Product {productName}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' ), Index( id=17, name='index_e8659bba', type='BTREE', schema=(:File {fileName}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' ), Index( id=15, name='index_c45ecb68', type='BTREE', schema=(:ArtifactId {fqn}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' ), Index( id=16, name='index_2bae0813', type='BTREE', schema=(:Artifact {fqn}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' ), Index( id=6, name='index_de8a8b8f', type='BTREE', schema=(:Supplier {supplierID}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' ), Index( id=18, name='index_5c88aaa9', type='BTREE', schema=(:Version {fqn}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' ), Index( id=5, name='index_44f4e370', type='BTREE', schema=(:Category {categoryID}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' ), Index( id=11, name='index_60d85244', type='BTREE', schema=(:GroupId {name}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' ), Index( id=10, name='index_1cc3c547', type='BTREE', schema=(:Type {fqn}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' ), Index( id=12, name='index_2021f2af', type='BTREE', schema=(:Package {fqn}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' ), Index( id=3, name='index_eadfd5a0', type='BTREE', schema=(:Product {productID}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' ), Index( id=14, name='index_cadc6548', type='BTREE', schema=(:Repository {url}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' ), Index( id=13, name='index_65a8ebac', type='BTREE', schema=(:Project {fqn}), indexProvider='native-btree-1.0' )] and []. Alternatively, you can use the option --force-btree-indexes-to-range to force all BTREE indexes or constraints backed by BTREE indexes to be replaced by RANGE equivalents. Be aware that RANGE indexes are not always the optimal replacement of BTREEs and performance may be affected while the new indexes are populated. See the Neo4j v5 migration guide online for more information.
2024-03-11 02:52:03.318+0000 ERROR [o.n.c.d.MigrateStoreCommand] Migration failed for databases: 'neo4j'
Migration failed for databases: 'neo4j'
Run with '--verbose' for a more detailed error message.

4> 启动数据库

brew services  start  neo4j



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