Python Shebang(#!)中的/usr/bin/env原理(#!/usr/bin/env python3)(定位系统安装Python解释器的位置)

news/2024/7/24 4:01:47 标签: python, 网络, 开发语言


  • Understanding the Principle of `/usr/bin/env` in Python Shebang(理解Python Shebang中的/usr/bin/env原理)
    • Introduction(简介)
    • Understanding /usr/bin/env(理解/usr/bin/env)
      • Defining /usr/bin/env(定义/usr/bin/env)
      • How /usr/bin/env Works(/usr/bin/env如何工作)
    • Advantages and Disadvantages of Using /usr/bin/env(使用/usr/bin/env的优缺点)
      • Pros(优点)
      • Cons(缺点)
    • Conclusion(结论)

Understanding the Principle of /usr/bin/env in Python Shebang(理解Python Shebang中的/usr/bin/env原理)


A script file in Unix/Linux systems typically starts with a line known as the shebang (#!). This is a special directive(命令) that tells the system what interpreter to use to execute the rest of the file. For instance, Python scripts commonly start with #!/usr/bin/python3 or #!/usr/bin/env python3. The /usr/bin/env part may seem cryptic for beginners but understanding its principle is crucial in writing cross-platform Python scripts.
Unix/Linux系统中的脚本文件通常以称为shebang(#!)的行开始。这是一个特殊的指令,告诉系统应使用何种解释器来执行文件的其余部分。例如,Python脚本通常以#!/usr/bin/python3#!/usr/bin/env python3开始。对于初学者来说,/usr/bin/env部分可能看起来很难理解,但是理解其原理对于编写跨平台Python脚本至关重要。

shebang” 这个词在此上下文中的确是源于英语,但它的起源有些奇特。它源自 “#!” 符号的俚语称呼。这个符号在计算机领域中被称为
“hash bang”,其中 “hash” 是 “#” 符号的别名,而 “bang” 是 “!” 符号的别名。

然而,人们在口语中经常将 “hash bang” 说成 “shebang”,因为这样更易于发音。虽然这个词可能看起来有些奇怪,但它已经在计算机编程和 Unix/Linux 社区中被广泛接受并使用。

Understanding /usr/bin/env(理解/usr/bin/env)

Defining /usr/bin/env(定义/usr/bin/env)

In Unix and Unix-like operating systems, /usr/bin/env is a way to invoke a command available in the user’s $PATH. It’s essentially an executable that launches other programs, providing them with their execution environment. In the context of Python scripting, it helps in locating where Python interpreter is installed on the system.

How /usr/bin/env Works(/usr/bin/env如何工作)

To understand how this works, we need to dissect(解剖、仔细研究) a typical shebang like #!/usr/bin/env python3.
要理解这个过程,我们需要剖析一个典型的shebang,例如#!/usr/bin/env python3

  1. #! - This is the shebang. It tells the system that this file can be run as a script and that the next part will specify(指定、明确规定) the interpreter.
    #! - 这是shebang。它告诉系统这个文件可以作为一个脚本运行,下一部分将指定解释器。

  2. /usr/bin/env - This is the environment setter(设置器). Instead of hardcoding the path to the Python interpreter, it tells the system to look for it in the user’s $PATH.
    /usr/bin/env - 这是环境设置器。它告诉系统在用户的$PATH中查找Python解释器,而不是硬编码Python解释器的路径。

  3. python3 - This is the program to be executed by /usr/bin/env, which in this case is the Python 3 interpreter.
    python3 - 这是由/usr/bin/env执行的程序,在这种情况下是Python 3解释器。

When a script with the above shebang is run, the system invokes /usr/bin/env with python3 as the argument, which in turn runs the Python 3 interpreter.
当运行带有上述shebang的脚本时,系统会用python3作为参数调用/usr/bin/env,然后再运行Python 3解释器。

python">#!/usr/bin/env python3
print("Hello, World!")

The advantage of this method is that it allows the script to be run on any system, regardless of where Python is installed. It enhances script portability(可移植性、便携性) across different Unix/Linux systems.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using /usr/bin/env(使用/usr/bin/env的优缺点)


  • Portability: As already mentioned, using /usr/bin/env increases the portability of scripts. If Python interpreter is in the $PATH, the script will execute, irrespective(不受……影响的) of the actual location of the Python binary.

  • Flexibility: Scripts can be written once and used across multiple environments without changes. This is especially useful in large projects with diverse(多种多样的) deployment environments.


  • Security Risk: Since /usr/bin/env uses the user’s $PATH, a malicious(恶意的) user could potentially insert a program named python3 earlier in the $PATH and trick(欺骗) the script into running that instead.

  • Performance: There’s a slight(轻微的) performance(性能) cost as an additional process needs to be invoked (i.e., /usr/bin/env) before invoking the Python interpreter.

Despite these drawbacks(缺点), the benefits of /usr/bin/env often outweigh(大于、胜过) the risks, especially in scenarios(场景、方案) where cross-platform compatibility(兼容性) is required.


Understanding the role of /usr/bin/env in the shebang of Python scripts is essential for developing portable(可移植的), flexible(灵活的) code. While there are potential security risks and minor performance costs, the benefits make it a popular choice in a variety of scripting situations. The ability to use the same script across different environments without modifications adds significant value(增加了显著的价值), making it a staple(基础、主要部分) in modern Python programming.


例如,有些人可能会将 /usr/bin/env 读作 “user bin env”,省去了斜杠。但请注意,这并不是一种标准的读法,如果您的听众不熟悉文件系统路径,他们可能会感到困惑。

总的来说,最标准和清晰的读法还是 “slash usr slash bin slash env”。


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