golang dns服务器_2020年在golang中建立网络服务器的初学者指南

news/2024/7/24 9:37:25 标签: 网络, linux, python, http, golang

golang dns服务器

In this article, I’ll teach you how to create simple web servers with the Go language.


Golang入门 (Getting Started With Golang)

It would be best if you have Go installed on your device, and this can be a Windows, Mac, or Linux device. Before you start to write Go code, you need to create a new directory to store your files in:

最好在设备上安装Go,并且它可以是Windows,Mac或Linux设备。 在开始编写Go代码之前,您需要创建一个新目录来将文件存储在以下位置:

$ mkdir newserver
$ cd newserver

In this folder, you create your main application file, main.go:


package mainimport (

We import the fmt package from the standard Go library. We will need this in the future.

我们从标准Go库中导入fmt包。 将来我们会需要这个。

你好世界的例子 (Hello World Example)

We are going to start with a basic example of a web server. You need to add the following import to your code:

我们将从网络服务器的基本示例开始。 您需要在代码中添加以下导入:

import (

注册请求处理程序 (Registering a Request Handler)

First, create a handler that receives all incoming HTTP connections from browsers, HTTP clients, or API requests. A handler in Go is a function with this signature:

首先,创建一个处理程序,以接收来自浏览器,HTTP客户端或API请求的所有传入HTTP连接。 Go中的处理程序是具有以下签名的函数:

func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

This function takes two arguments: an http.ResponseWriter, which is where you write your text/HTML response and an http.Request, which contains all information about this HTTP request, including things like the URL and header fields.

此函数有两个参数: http.ResponseWriter (在其中编写文本/ HTML响应)和http.Request (在此包含有关此HTTP请求的所有信息,包括URL和标头字段)。

To register the request handler, we use:


http.HandleFunc("/", func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello Medium, you've requested: %s\n", r.URL.Path)

港口 (Ports)

We need to add a port to make a web server listen to a specific address and port:


http.ListenAndServe(":80", nil)

完整代码示例 (Full code example)

Your full code should look like this:


静态资产 (Static Assets)

To serve static assets like JavaScript, CSS, and images, we use the inbuilt http.FileServer:


fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir("static/"))

Once our file server is in place, we just need to point a URL path at it.


http.Handle("/static/", http.StripPrefix("/static/", fs))

路由 (Routing)

One thing Go doesn’t do very well is complex request routing, like segmenting a request URL into single parameters. Fortunately, there is a very popular package for this, which is well known in the Go community for its good code quality. This package is called gorilla/mux.

Go做得不好的一件事是复杂的请求路由,例如将请求URL分割为单个参数。 幸运的是,有一个非常受欢迎的程序包,该程序包在Go社区中以其良好的代码质量而闻名。 该程序包称为大猩猩/多路复用器。

安装套件 (Install the package)

To install this package in Go is very simple:


go get -u github.com/gorilla/mux

创建一个新的路由器 (Create a new router)

First, create a new request router. The router is the main router for your web application and will later be passed as a parameter to the server.

首先,创建一个新的请求路由器。 路由器是Web应用程序的主要路由器,以后将作为参数传递给服务器。

r := mux.NewRouter()

网址参数 (URL parameters)

With this package, it’s very easy to use URL parameters. It looks like this:

使用此软件包,可以很容易地使用URL参数。 看起来像这样:

r.HandleFunc("/user/{username}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//Route code})

定义请求类型 (Define the type of request)

You can easily define your type of request (for example, a GET or POST request) by adding the following line of code:


r.HandleFunc("/user/{username}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//Route code}).Methods("GET")

注册路由器 (Register the router)

When you have set up your router, you need to register it to make it work:


http.ListenAndServe(":80", r)

完整代码示例 (Full code example)

HTML模板 (HTML Templates)

When building a web server (unless you are building a REST API) you want to use HTML pages to display your data.

在构建Web服务器时(除非正在构建REST API),您要使用HTML页面显示数据。

Therefore you need to import a new package:


import (     "html/template"     "net/http" )

When you have built your own HTML page, you can put it in your templates folder. Then add the following code to your main func:

构建自己HTML页面后,可以将其放在templates文件夹中。 然后将以下代码添加到您的主要func

This will load your HTML template into your web server’s route.


结论 (Conclusion)

I hope you learned a lot from this beginner's guide to web servers in Go. You learned the fundamentals of web programming for Go, so you should be able now to figure new things out and go on your own web development journey!

希望您从Go的Web服务器入门指南中学到很多东西。 您已经了解了Go语言Web编程的基础知识,因此您现在应该能够找到新的东西并继续自己的Web开发旅程!

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/the-beginners-guide-to-setting-up-a-webserver-in-golang-in-2020-5db1478b117d

golang dns服务器



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