
news/2024/7/24 2:26:47 标签: python, javascript


Undefined, Null, and NaN are 3 keywords, known as non-values or empty values, that are often a source of buggy code, stress, and confusion for many beginning JavaScript engineers. Part of the reason for that is that they are seldom given the proper attention they merit in most courses or books, in my humble opinion. Here, we will attempt to give this trio its proper due and uncover its mysteries.

Undefined,Null和NaN是3个关键字,称为非值或空值,对于许多新手JavaScript工程师而言,它们通常是错误代码,压力和混乱的根源。 造成这种情况的部分原因是,根据我的拙见,很少在大多数课程或书籍中给予他们应有的重视。 在这里,我们将尝试给予此三人适当的应得的费用,并揭示其奥秘。

未定义 (Undefined)

This keyword is both a data type and value in JavaScript. It is one of six primitive data types, the others being: string, number, boolean, null, and symbol (ES5+). It is assigned, by default, to any variable whose value has not yet been defined. On a deeper level, this means that the variable exists but its value has been given an empty value, called undefined. JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, which means that the JS engine determines the type of a variable based on the data type of the value assigned to it. In that context,undefined really means that JavaScript doesn’t know about type of the variable declared because it has yet to be initialized with a value.

此关键字在JavaScript中既是数据类型又是值。 它是六种原始数据类型之一,其他为: stringnumberbooleannullsymbol (ES5 +)。 默认情况下 ,将其分配给尚未定义其值的任何变量。 从更深层次上讲,这意味着该变量存在,但其值已被赋予一个空值,称为undefined 。 JavaScript是一种动态类型化的语言,这意味着JS引擎根据分配给它的值的数据类型来确定变量的类型。 在这种情况下, undefined实际上意味着JavaScript不知道声明的变量的类型,因为尚未使用value对其进行初始化

Any unassigned variable is automatically given the value and type of undefined


We can illustrate this with the code below.


let myVar;  //declared but left unassigned

Output: undefined

输出: undefined

Undefined is also a data type, hence the following:


console.log(typeof myVar)

Output: "undefined"

输出: "undefined"

Notice that there’s a slight difference between the value and the type of undefined; the latter is in quotes. One of the questions that you may find on an interview question is:

注意, undefined的值和类型之间存在细微的差别; 后者用引号引起来。 在面试问题上可能会发现的问题之一是:

What is the value of typeof typeof undefined?

typeof typeof undefined 的值是什么

The answer is: string

答案是: string

This means that we can type the following:


console.log(typeof myvar + “ variable”)

console.log(typeof myvar + “ variable”)

Output: undefined variable

输出: undefined variable

We can therefore say that in JavaScript, the data type of the data type of undefined is string!

因此,可以说在JavaScript中, undefined 数据类型的数据类型 string

For functions, if the returned value is left unassigned, it returns undefined. More importantly, a function will also return undefined if a value was not returned.

对于函数,如果未分配返回值,则返回undefined 。 更重要的是,如果未返回值,则函数也将返回undefined

function f(){

Output: undefined

输出: undefined

空值 (Null)

Null is also a primitive data type in JavaScript, that can also be assigned as a value. However, unlikeundefined, its data type is Object.

Null也是JavaScript中的原始数据类型,也可以将其分配为值。 但是,与undefined不同,其数据类型为Object

let myVar = null;

Output: null

输出: null

Console.log(typeof myVar);

Output: Object

输出: Object

Null is used to intentionally give an empty value to something. It’s common practice to have functions return null when a condition is not met. For instance, JavaScript’s built-in match() function returns the object that match a pattern for a given string and null otherwise.

Null用于有意将某物赋予空值。 通常的做法是在不满足条件时使函数返回null。 例如,JavaScript的内置match()函数返回与给定字符串的模式匹配的object ,否则返回null

console.log( "Abe".match(/[aeiou]/gi). )

Output: [ ‘A’, ‘e’ ]

输出: [ 'A', 'e' ]

console.log( "PS4".match(/[aeiou]/gi). )

Output: null

输出: null

Therefore, null is the intentional absence of an expected object value. It’s important to understand that null is used in conjunction with objects. The return value of match() is an array (an object) if a match is found and null otherwise.

因此,null是故意缺少预期的对象值。 重要的是要了解将null与对象结合使用。 如果找到匹配项,则match()的返回值是一个数组(对象),否则返回null

The key difference between undefined and null is that:


  • undefined means that the variable is known, but its value isn’t, hence its data type is unknown


  • null means that the data type of the variable is known (Object), but its value is deliberately left unknown (empty) because no object is relevant for a given condition.

    null表示变量的数据类型是已知的( Object ),但是故意将其值保留为未知(空),因为没有对象与给定条件相关。

  • undefined is automatically assigned, if the value is unknown


  • null is deliberately assigned, when no object is relevant


Null represents nothingness or absence and can be thought of as being equivalent to 0. As a matter of fact, in some languages like C++ and Java, it is.

Null表示什么都不 存在不存在 ,可以被认为等于0。事实上,在某些语言(如C ++和Java)中,它是。

Let look at a few quirks related to null and undefined.


null === undefined   // false
null == undefined // true

The first statement checks to see if the value on the left is exactly like the one on the right. That’s what the ‘threequals’ (===) operator does. For double-equals, because JavaScript is dynamically typed, when it sees a value it attempts to figure out its data type. If the two values are not of the same type, it will convert or coerce (or cast) one of them to the data type of the other, before making the comparison. For example, if a string and a number are compared, JavaScript will cast the former to the latter. That’s why 0 == ‘0’ and ‘0’ == false are true. ‘0’ is cast to type number and then compared, which returns true. Similarly, due to type coercion, null is doubly equal to undefined. Keep in mind that this is a quirk that is particular to JavaScript; in most languages, such a confusing concept doesn’t exist.

第一条语句检查左侧的值是否与右侧的值完全相同 。 这就是“ 三个质量”(===)运算符的作用。 对于双等号,因为JavaScript是动态类型的,所以当看到值时,它将尝试找出其数据类型。 如果这两个值是相同类型的不是,它会转换或强迫 (或CAST)其他的数据类型其中之一,在进行比较之前 。 例如,如果将stringnumber进行比较,JavaScript会将前者转换为后者。 这就是为什么0 == '0''0' == false为true。 ' 0 '被强制转换为number类型,然后进行比较,然后返回true。 类似地,由于强制类型, null双重等于undefined 。 请记住,这是JavaScript特有的怪癖; 在大多数语言中,不存在这种令人困惑的概念。

N (NaN)

It stands for “Not a Number”, and represents the absence of a valid number. It results from an invalid computation, such as an arithmetic operation on a string instead of a number. Let’s see a few examples.

它代表“非数字”,代表缺少有效数字 。 它是由无效计算导致的,例如对string而不是number的算术运算。 让我们看一些例子。

1 * 'five'
'ten' / 2

Output: NaN

输出: NaN

let myVar = 'four'
console.log( Math.sqrt(myVar) )

Output: NaN

输出: NaN

Note that due to type coercion, operations like ‘5’ * 5 or Math.sqrt(‘4’) are all valid in JavaScript. However, in cases where type coercion doesn’t apply, those operations will always yield NaN.

注意,由于类型强制, '5' * 5Math.sqrt('4')类的操作在JavaScript中均有效。 但是,在不应用类型强制的情况下,这些操作将始终产生NaN

Let’s examine a few quirks with this keyword.


NaN == NaN

Output: false

输出: false

Sometimes it’s useful to find out if an operation is valid.


function checkIfValidOperation(operation){
if (operation === NaN)
console.log("Invalid Operation!");
console.log("Valid Operation!");
}let myOp = Math.sqrt('four'); //NaNcheckIfValidOperation(myOp) //???

Output: Valid Operation!

输出: Valid Operation!

Unexpected! Doesn’t myOp equal NaN!? Unfortunately, no. That’s because in JavaScript:

意外! myOp不等于NaN myOp 抱歉不行。 那是因为在JavaScript中:

NaN === NaN

NaN === NaN

Output: false

输出: false

This is one of the quirks of the language. In order to test if an operation yields NaN, we need to use the built-in function isNaN().

这是该语言的怪癖之一。 为了测试某个操作是否产生NaN ,我们需要使用内置函数isNaN()


Output: true

输出: true

结合所有 (Combining it all)

Combining our non-value trio, we can extract additional quirks such as:


1 + null + 1

Output: 2


null + null

null + null

Output: 0

输出: 0

That’s because null is treated like 0.


undefined + 1
null + undefined

Output: NaN

输出: NaN

That one is expected behavior.


We can Summarise the above as follows:


  • undefined means that the variable exists (was declared), but its data type doesn’t, because it’s unassigned


  • null means that the variable’s data type exists, but its value is purposely left empty


  • null symbolizes nothing and is treated like 0

    null表示没有任何意义 ,被视为0

  • NaN means that an arithmetic operation is invalid


  • It’s considered good practice to use the threequals operator (===) when comparing values to avoid type coercion


Thank you for reading! Happy coding! :)

感谢您的阅读! 编码愉快! :)




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