
news/2024/7/24 12:08:33 标签: php, https, debug, consul, zabbix

It's been interesting few days lately for me, celebrity-wise.


阿加西/格拉夫 (Agassi/Graff)

First, last Thursday, Andre Agassi and his wife Steffi Graff came to the Yahoo! center in Santa Monica (my workplace) and played with our kids and signed tennis balls. This was fun, check out: vid, vid, vid, pics.

首先,上周四,安德烈·阿加西(Andre Agassi)和他的妻子斯特菲·格拉夫(Steffi Graff)来到了雅虎! 圣莫尼卡(我的工作场所)的中心,和我们的孩子们玩耍并签名网球。 签出,这很有趣: vid , vid , vid , pics 。


Here's my daughter almost hitting the ball:


克雷格·弗格森 (Craig Ferguson)

Then I became part of the audience at a taping of Craig Ferguson's late night talk show. I find him funny and he was even funnier live. The audience environment is nice and small - 113 people. A nice surprise was that when there are supposed to be commercial breaks in the TV, Craig kept making fun and be there although there was no camera rolling. I always though that during those breaks, the host hides in a dressing room or something.

然后,我在Craig Ferguson的深夜脱口秀节目的录音中成为观众的一部分。 我觉得他很有趣,他的生活更有趣。 观众环境很好,很小-113人。 令人惊讶的是,当电视本应出现商业中断时,克雷格(Craig)一直在取笑并一直呆在那里,尽管没有相机在摇晃。 尽管在这些休息时间,我总是会把主人藏在更衣室之内。

This was all good.


But the warm up guy and the whole warm up procedure was just awful. There's this guy telling stupid and mostly nasty adult jokes, who's not even remotely funny compared to Craig and he's supposed to warm up the audience so we can be prepared when the main dude arrives. He kept repeating how we should laugh, LOL, etc, even when we don't find something funny (who are we to judge ;)), it made me feel uncomfortable as if I was on an exam or something. A friend told me he used to be a big Letterman fan, until he went to a show tapping in NY. Well, didn't happen to me, I still like Craig, but the whole event felt a little weird.

但是热身的家伙和整个热身过程简直糟透了。 这个家伙讲的是愚蠢的,大多是令人讨厌的成人笑话,与Craig相比,他甚至都不是那么有趣,他应该给观众热身,以便我们在主要花花公子到来时做好准备。 他一直重复着我们该如何笑,大声笑等等,即使我们没有发现什么有趣的东西(我们要判断谁;),这也让我感到不舒服,就好像我正在参加考试或其他事情一样。 一位朋友告诉我,他曾经是莱特曼的忠实粉丝,直到他去纽约参加一场演出。 好吧,这没有发生在我身上,我仍然喜欢克雷格,但是整个比赛有点奇怪。

哥们 (Buddy Guy)

The last "seeing stars" experience was the best - this Tuesday I went to see Buddy Guy, the blues legend, live. The show was another taping but much more fun and natural then the Ferguson one. The show was part of the "live sets" by Nissan and Yahoo! Music which means a very intimate show, maybe about 200 people, mostly fan club members and "VIP". I was part of the VIP, which meant feeling uncomfortable bypassing a line of people and also not being able to be right in front of the stage. Whatever. The show was great, Buddy Guy is 70+ years old but you can never tell. At some point he was all around the audience and playing a meter or so from me, to the guy next to me. He mostly played songs from his latest "Skin deep" album, but he also did what is probably his usual routine playing Strange Brew like Eric Clapton and Voodoo Child like Hendrix. Can't wait to see the recording on Yahoo music, they said it should be ready somewhere in October. There was also a Q&A session with him, the whole event was so natural, human and anti-celebrity.

最后一次“看星星”的经历是最好的-这个星期二,我去看了蓝调传奇人物Buddy Guy的现场直播。 该节目是另一场录音,但比弗格森节目更有趣,更自然。 该节目是日产和雅虎“现场演出”的一部分。 音乐意味着非常亲密的表演,大约有200人,主要是歌迷俱乐部成员和“ VIP”。 我是VIP的一员,这意味着绕过一群人感到不自在,也无法站在舞台前。 随你。 表演很棒,好友盖伊(Buddy Guy)已有70多年的历史,但是你永远也无法分辨。 在某个时候,他到处都是观众,从我到旁边的那个人都打了一个球。 他主要播放最新专辑《 Skin deep》中的歌曲,但他的日常演奏方式也可能是像Eric Clapton这样的Strange Brew和Hendrix这样的Voodoo Child。 迫不及待地想查看有关Yahoo音乐的录音,他们说应该在十月份的某个地方准备好。 还与他进行了问答环节,整个活动是如此自然,人性化和反名人。

You can see how much fun is going on on these shows if you see how Weezer play Radiohead's Creep together with the fans.


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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/seeing-stars/




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