
news/2024/7/24 13:26:09 标签: python, java, php, linux, mysql


Let me try to set the mood for Velocity 2011 with an attempt to publish one performance-y post a day for the seven days between now and when the conference starts.

让我尝试设置Velocity 2011的氛围,尝试从现在到会议开始的7天每天发布一篇性能报告。

#7 - Lazy HTML evaluation #6 - Preload in visual search suggestions #5 - perfplanet.com is open #4 - YSlow 2.0: the first sketches #3 - Book of Speed #2 - Sultans of Speed #1 - Overlooked Optimizations: Images - guest post by Billy Hoffman

#7-懒惰HTML评估#6-预加载视觉搜索建议# 5-perfplanet.com已打开#4- YSlow 2.0:第一个草图#3-速度书#2-速度苏丹#1-被忽略的优化:图像-Billy Hoffman的来宾帖子

Tada! Velocity is here!


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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/velocity-countdown/




re 懒惰_懒惰HTML评估

re 懒惰#7 This post is part of the Velocity countdown series. Stay tuned for the articles to come. #7这篇文章是Velocity倒数系列的一部分。 请继续关注未来的文章。 Some time ago Google talked about using a sort of lazy JavaScript evaluation which e…


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css webkit_webkit按需CSS问题

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