
news/2024/7/24 12:32:37 标签: 数据库, 字符串, java, python, mysql


BLOB:二进制大对象 (BLOB: Binary Large Object)

BLOB is an abbreviation of Binary Large Object. It is a collection of binary data accumulated and stored in a database management system that consists of a complex data type. It reserves binary data. The variables which are used in this data type have a variable length, which is not the case in most of the other data types like integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and strings. Images, audio files, and video clips, etc. are stored by using the BLOB data type. For example, in a database, the BLOB data type is used to store a photo album for images and the captions, a string data type is used.

BLOB是Binary Large Object的缩写 。 它是在复杂的数据类型组成的数据库管理系统中累积和存储的二进制数据的集合。 它保留二进制数据。 此数据类型中使用的变量具有可变的长度,在大多数其他数据类型(例如整数,浮点数,字符和字符串)中却不是这种情况。 使用BLOB数据类型存储图像,音频文件和视频剪辑等。 例如,在数据库中,BLOB数据类型用于存储图像和标题的相册,字符串数据类型用于存储。

BLOB full form

Image source:


BLOB character length can be up to 2,147,483,647 long according to the requirement of the data type. It is used to store multimedia files therefore, it needs more expanse than other data types. Usually, according to the disk storage capacity of the user's system, BLOB character size is determined. 2 GB is the minimal size in C/SIDE for the BLOB data type. Also, BLOB strings do not carry character data and they are also associated with a code page.

根据数据类型的要求, BLOB字符长度最多可以达到2,147,483,647。 它用于存储多媒体文件,因此,与其他数据类型相比,它需要更多的空间。 通常,根据用户系统的磁盘存储容量来确定BLOB字符大小。 对于BLOB数据类型,C / SIDE中的最小大小为2 GB。 同样,BLOB字符串不携带字符数据,它们也与代码页关联。

优点 (Advantages)

  • Backups are easier because the file has established it in the database of the BLOB data type.


  • BLOB enables the insertion of the metadata and files in the same table and attribute.


  • By inserting the metadata and content, transactional integrity occurs, which does not happen in most of the cases of other file systems because they aren't transactional.


  • By storing BLOBs in a database, the rights management of the database system distinctly controls and modulates the access rights to the data.


  • By storing BLOBs inside SQL server directly, BLOBs are move from one server to another because there is no requirement for any manual efforts to keep them in acting together along with the normal process of data transfer.

    通过将BLOB直接存储在SQL Server内,BLOB从一台服务器移动到另一台服务器,因为不需要任何手动操作即可使它们与正常的数据传输过程保持一致。

缺点 (Disadvantages)

  • In BLOB, table and attributes lock in a database.


  • In case of performance, in comparison to data types like varbinary which enable for 2TB of data to be stored in the database, these files are an issue in access and storage of data.


  • In BLOB before operating on functions of the data, video and other huge files are stored in RAM.


  • Dramatically, the size can be increased in the database.


  • The BLOBs are unorganized from the perspective of the database and for that reason, they are unreadable.


  • BLOBs cannot be seized or assessed by the databases.





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