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news/2024/7/10 0:57:28 标签: 内核, java, web, 大数据, vue

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Project Jupyter has a large and growing developer community, one that both includes and extends beyond the Jupyter org on GitHub. In this post, we’ll take a walk through the wonderful things people are building based on Jupyter technology today.

Jupyter项目拥有一个庞大且不断发展的开发者社区,该社区既包括GitHub上Jupyter组织,又扩展到其外部 在本文中,我们将 逐步介绍 人们 今天 基于Jupyter 技术 构建 精彩 事物

The Jupyter Notebook is the most well-known application in the Jupyter ecosystem. It is a web-based environment for combining text, equations, code, visualizations, and widgets in executable documents backed by one of 60+ Jupyter language kernels. It also supports client- and server-side plug-ins, a fact which has given rise to a slew of extensions that augment the notebook experience (more more more more!)

Jupyter Notebook 是Jupyter生态系统中最著名的应用程序。 这是一个基于Web的环境,用于在由 60多种Jupyter 语言 内核 之一支持的可执行文档中组合文本,方程式,代码,可视化和小部件 它还支持客户端和服务器端插件,这一事实引起 了许多扩展 ,这些 扩展 可以增强笔记本的使用体验( 更多 更多 更多 更多 !)

Jupyter Notebook screenshot

Jupyter Notebook


While Jupyter Notebook is extremely popular, it is not the only notebook user interface available. Beaker Notebook, Pineapple, and nteract are all standalone notebook applications that can read Jupyter notebook documents, use Jupyter kernels to one degree or another, and provide their own unique features. coLaboratory and Livebook attempt to enable real-time cooperative editing of Jupyter notebooks. GenePattern pre-configures the classic Jupyter Notebook with extensions in support of genomics and bioinformatics. PyCharm, IntelliJ, and Atom Notebook all embed a Jupyter-compatible notebook experience within an integrated developer environment (IDE). Jupyter Lab, the upcoming user interface for Jupyter Notebook, hosts notebook editors, text editors, terminals, file browsers, and other tools in responsive, extensible panels.

尽管Jupyter Notebook非常流行,但它不是唯一可用的笔记本电脑用户界面。 Beaker Notebook Pineapple nteract 都是独立的笔记本应用程序,可以读取Jupyter笔记本文档,在某种程度上使用Jupyter内核,并提供自己的独特功能。 coLaboratory Livebook 试图实现Jupyter笔记本的实时协作编辑。 GenePattern 预先配置了经典的Jupyter Notebook,具有扩展功能以支持基因组学和生物信息学。 PY Ç 损害 的IntelliJ 凌动笔记本 都嵌入一个集成开发环境(IDE)中的Jupyter兼容的笔记本电脑体验。 Jupyter Lab 即将推出的用户界面 Jupyter Lab 在响应式,可扩展的面板中承载笔记本编辑器,文本编辑器,终端,文件浏览器和其他工具。

Notebooks represent just one means of interactive computing through Jupyter. The IPython console and Qt console are more traditional REPLs backed by Jupyter kernels. Hydrogen, Rodeo, and the recently-demoed OpenAnalytics plug-ins for Eclipse all support interactive code evaluation on kernels through text editors and REPLs. Sidecar augments a traditional terminal REPL with a browser window to display rich media from kernels.

笔记本只是通过Jupyter进行交互计算的一种方式。 IPython的控制台 Qt的控制台 是由Jupyter内核支持更多的传统REPLs。 Hydrogen Rodeo 和最近 流行的 适用于Eclipse的OpenAnalytics插件 均支持通过文本编辑器和REPL在内核上进行交互式代码评估。 边车 增强件 具有浏览器窗口中 的传统终端REPL 内核显示富媒体。

Screenshots of various Jupyter IDE-like tools

Left to right: OpenAnalytics plug-ins for Eclipse, Hydrogen package for Atom, IPython console plus Sidecar


Applications that aid in the dissemination and consumption of knowledge are another important part of the Jupyter ecosystem. nbviewer renders any Jupyter notebook document as a static web page for ease of viewing outside a notebook authoring environment. nbconvert, RISE, and nbpresent support the display and/or export of notebooks as slideshows. The incubating Jupyter dashboards effort enables the layout, deployment, and serving of notebooks as interactive web dashboards.

有助于知识传播和消费的应用程序是Jupyter生态系统的另一个重要组成部分。 nbviewer 呈现 任何 Jupyter笔记本 文件 静态网页,以方便查看 笔记本的创作环境之外 nbconvert RISE nbpresent 支持 以幻灯片形式 显示和 /或 导出 笔记本。 Jupyter仪表板 的孵化 工作使 笔记本可以作为交互式Web仪表 进行 布局 部署 服务

Screenshots of tools that aid the consumption of notebooks in variety of forms

Left to Right: Jupyter dashboards server, dashboard layout extension with declarative widgets, notebook in a GitHub repo, nbpresent extension


Hosted services that include Jupyter technology are becoming more prevalent. IBM Bluemix Data and Analytics, IBM Data Scientist Workbench, Microsoft Azure HDInsights, Azure ML Studio, Google Cloud Data Lab, Continuum Analytics Anaconda Enterprise, and SageMathCloud all include a Jupyter Notebook interface for general purpose data analytics. Quantopian and Kaggle do much the same, but focus the notebook experience on investment research and data science competitions respectively. GitHub renders Jupyter notebook files in git repositories and gists as static web pages. O’Reilly accepts the Jupyter notebook format in their publication lifecycle, and supports code execution in articles using Jupyter kernels (e.g., O’Reilly Learning – Handling missing data).

包含Jupyter技术的托管服务正变得越来越普遍。 IBM Bluemix数据和分析 IBM数据科学家工作台 Microsoft Azure HDInsights Azure ML Studio Google Cloud Data Lab Continuum Analytics Anaconda Enterprise SageMath Cloud 均包含用于通用数据分析的Jupyter Notebook界面。 Quantopian Kaggle的 做法大致相同,但笔记本电脑的体验分别专注于投资研究和数据科学竞赛。 GitHub的 呈现在Git仓库,而Jupyter笔记本文件 学家 为静态网页。 O'Reilly 在其发布生命周期中接受Jupyter笔记本格式,并支持 使用Jupyter内核 文章中的代码执行 (例如, O'Reilly Learning –处理丢失的数据 )。

Screenshots of hosted solutions that use Jupyter technology

Left to Right: IBM Bluemix Data and Analytics, O’Reilly Learning, notebook in a GitHub Gist

从左到右:IBM Bluemix Data and Analytics,O'Reilly Learning,GitHub Gist中的笔记本

Jupyter software libraries play a large role in the growth of the ecosystem. The jupyter-js-services, jupyter-js-ui, and other jupyter-js-* npm packages born out of the Jupyter Lab effort simplify the creation of new web applications (e.g., Jupyter dashboard server). The transformime, spawnteract, enchannel-*, and other packages in the nteract org provide NodeJS implementations of Jupyter protocols (e.g., kernel spawning). nbformat and nbconvert make it possible for applications to read, write, and transform notebooks (e.g., how nbviewer renders HTML pages and slideshows). Thebe lets developers embedded code editors in web pages and execute their contents on remote Jupyter kernels (e.g., how O’Reilly Learning operates). ipywidgets defines a set of interactive web widgets for use in notebooks and beyond (e.g., on standalone web pages). Declarative widgets build atop the ipywidgets to support the binding of data on Jupyter kernels to frontend views (e.g., in dynamic notebooks and dashboards). 

Jupyter软件库在生态系统的增长中起着重要作用。 jupyter-JS-服务 jupyter-JS-UI 其他 jupyter-js- * NPM包Jupyter实验室的努力诞生出 简化新 的Web应用程序 (例如,仪表盘Jupyter服务器) 的创建 nteract组织中的transformime , spawnteract , enchannel- *和其他软件包提供Jupyter协议的NodeJS实现(例如,内核生成)。 nbformat nbconvert 使应用程序可以读取,写入和转换笔记本(例如,nbviewer如何呈现HTML页面和幻灯片)。 特贝 允许嵌入的代码编辑器中的网页开发人员和远程Jupyter内核 (例如, 如何 O'Rei LY学习 操作 执行的内容 ipywidgets 定义了一组交互式Web窗口小部件,可用于笔记本 及其他产品 (例如, 在独立的Web页面上 )。 声明性小部件 建立在ipywidget之上,以支持将Jupyter内核上的数据绑定到前端视图(例如,在动态笔记本 仪表板中)。

Reusable components and services also contribute to the development of new Jupyter solutions. JupyterHub facilitates multi-user access to Jupyter Notebooks with security and data persistence. tmpnb has both a UI and API for spawning temporary Jupyter servers in isolated Docker containers (e.g., for use by Thebe). Binder goes beyond the tmpnb concept to manage the build-deploy-run lifecycle of temporary Jupyter servers in Docker containers, populated with assets from GitHub repositories. The kernel gateway enables Websocket communication between remote clients and kernels (e.g., as in EclairJS) as well the ability to deploy notebooks as RESTful APIs. And, of course, Jupyter kernels enable interactive computing in a plethora of languages.

可重用的组件和服务还有助于开发新的Jupyter解决方案。 JupyterHub 通过安全性和数据持久性促进多用户访问Jupyter Notebook。 tmpnb 具有用于在隔离的Docker容器中生成临时Jupyter服务器的UI和API(例如,供Thebe使用)。 Binder 超越了tmpnb的概念,可以管理Docker容器中临时Jupyter服务器的构建部署运行生命周期,该容器由GitHub存储库中的资产组成。 内核网关 实现远程客户端与内核之间的WebSocket通信(例如,在 EclairJS ),以及部署笔记本电脑的能力 RESTful API中 而且,当然, Jupyter内核 支持 多种语言的 交互式计算。

Finally, none of the above would be possible without open communication, open source, open governance, and open specs (e.g., for kernels, notebook documents, server APIs). These facilitate collaboration, interoperability, and advancement of Jupyter as a powerful platform for interactive data science and scientific computing.

最后,如果没有开放的 通信 ,开放源 代码 ,开放的 管理 和开放的规范(例如,用于 内核 笔记本文档 服务器API ,则上述所有方法都是不可能的 这些功能促进了Jupyter作为交互式数据科学和科学计算的强大平台的协作,互操作性和发展。

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翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2016/03/powered-by-jupyter-a-survey-of-the-project-ecosystem/

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