
news/2024/7/10 1:31:14 标签: python, java, vue, tensorflow, php

Sometimes you want to change the behavior of a function call in a Python test. Let’s assume you have the following code:

有时您想要更改Python测试中函数调用的行为。 假设您有以下代码:

# a.py

# a.py

from from b b import import subfunc


def def funcfunc ():
    # do something
    # do something
    subfuncsubfunc (( 11 , , 22 )
    # do something else

# do something else

# b.py

# b.py

def def subfuncsubfunc (( aa , , bb == 11 ):
    # step1
    # step1
    # step2
    # step2
    # step3
# step3

You are testing the func function and would to change the behavior of step2 in subfunc without affecting step1 or step3.


模拟:替换功能 (Mocking: Replacement Function)

One way to solve this would be to mock the entire subfunc:


(Note, all example code assumes that you’re using pytest with the monkeypatch fixture. But you can also use other testing frameworks and the mock library instead.)


But that would require you to copy the body of the function and adjust it as desired. This violates the DRY principle and could be a source of bugs (e.g. if step1 and step3 change later on).

但这将需要您复制函数的主体并根据需要进行调整。 这违反了DRY原理,并且可能是错误的来源(例如,如果稍后更改了步骤1和步骤3)。

依赖注入 (Dependency Injection)

A cleaner way to make the subfunc more dynamic is dependency injection. We simply add a new argument with a default value, and act depending on that value:

使子函数更具动态性的一种更干净的方法是依赖项注入。 我们只需添加一个带有默认值的新参数,然后根据该值执行操作:

# b.py

# b.py

def def subfuncsubfunc (( aa , , bb == 11 , , do_step2do_step2 == TrueTrue ):
    # step1
    # step1
    if if do_step2 do_step2 is is TrueTrue :
        # step2
    # step2
    # step3
# step3

Now we can simply manipulate the value of the do_step parameter to change the behavior. But how do we actually do that? Two methods come to mind:

现在,我们可以简单地操纵do_step参数的值来更改行为。 但是,我们实际上该如何做呢? 我想到两种方法:

猴子补丁__defaults__ (Monkey patching __defaults__)

Every Python function with default arguments has a __defaults__ attribute. It contains a tuple with all default argument values:

每个带有默认参数的Python函数都具有__defaults__属性。 它包含具有所有默认参数值的元组:

We can manipulate that attribute to change the defaults:


def def test_functest_func (( monkeypatchmonkeypatch ):


    monkeypatchmonkeypatch .. setattrsetattr (( 'b.subfunc.__defaults__''b.subfunc.__defaults__' , , (( 11 , , FalseFalse ))


    # do testing of func()
# do testing of func()

This works nicely, there are two downsides though. First of all, it’s hacky due to the use of double underscore methods. But even worse, we have to specify the default argument for the first kwarg too! That violates the DRY principle and could be a source of bugs. Sounds familiar, right?

这很好,但是有两个缺点。 首先,由于使用了双下划线方法,因此很容易出错。 但更糟糕的是,我们也必须为第一个kwarg指定默认参数! 这违反了DRY原则,并且可能是错误的来源。 听起来很熟悉,对吧?

Of course, we could try to retrieve the initial defaults, manipulate them and then monkey patch the __defaults__ attribute again. But that’s even more hacky…

当然,我们可以尝试检索初始默认值,对其进行操作,然后再次用猴子修补__defaults__属性。 但这甚至更hacky…

使用偏函数 (Using a partial function)

A much nicer way is to use partial function application. It’s a method mainly coming from functional programming. You can use it to override the value of some arguments and/or keyword arguments, yielding a higher order function.

一种更好的方法是使用部分函数应用程序。 这是一种主要来自函数式编程的方法。 您可以使用它来覆盖某些自变量和/或关键字自变量的值,从而产生更高阶的函数。

As a short example, let’s create a function that adds 2 to an input value:


Now that you know how partial functions work, let’s use them to override the default argument of our subfunc:


from from functools functools import import partial


def def test_functest_func (( monkeypatchmonkeypatch ):


    from from b b import import subfunc
    monkeypatchmonkeypatch .. setattrsetattr (( 'b.subfunc''b.subfunc' , , partialpartial (( subfuncsubfunc , , do_step2do_step2 == FalseFalse ))


    # do testing of func()
# do testing of func()

Now we have a clean way to modify function behavior from tests through dependency injection, without having to resort to Python internals hackery 🙂


翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2016/02/overriding-default-arguments-in-python/




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