vs扩展代码_4 vs代码扩展使工作轻松

news/2024/7/10 0:38:48 标签: python, java, vue, 设计模式, php


Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is praised by many programmers as the ultimate weapon of development. By the extensions, VS Code can almost code in 99% of the programming languages. These extensions are not only a tool for improving the efficiency of Coding but also help us relax our work and bring some fun to the “boring” coding.

Visual Studio Code(VS Code)被许多程序员誉为开发的最终武器。 通过扩展,VS Code几乎可以使用99%的编程语言进行编码。 这些扩展不仅是提高编码效率的工具,而且还可以帮助我们放松工作并为“无聊的”编码带来乐趣。

金融 (Finance)

股票实时报价(Stocks-Live Quotes)

Investing in the stock market is a very good asset appreciation method for programmers. You can keep tracking your favorite stocks’ price in your VS Code status bar, and you do not miss any opportunity to buy and sell stocks.

对于程序员来说,投资股票市场是一种非常好的资产增值方法。 您可以在VS Code状态栏中继续跟踪自己喜欢的股票价格,并且不会错过任何买卖股票的机会。

Core Features


  • Support NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, ARCA, and BATS exchanges.


  • Show prices during extended trading hours automatically.

  • Configurable: color-coded by gain/loss.

  • Configurable: refresh Interval.




This extension uses iex cloud APIKeys, we need to log in the iexcloud.io to apply for the free APIKeys — 500,000 req/month rate limit.

此扩展使用iex cloud APIKeys,我们需要登录iexcloud.io申请免费的APIKeys-500,000 req / month速率限制。

After registering on iex cloud, you only need to copy the API Tokens(prefix pk_) in the console to the vscode-stocks.iexCloudAPIKeys in the settings.json, as shown in the figure below.

在注册后IEX云你只需要在API令牌(前缀PK_)在控制台复制到vscode-stocks.iexCloudAPIKeyssettings.json ,如图下图。

Screenshot of iexcloud console
Screenshot of iexcloud console
a picture show Settings of stock extension
Settings of stock extension

In settings.json you can also set the stocks symbols, stocks color style, and refresh interval. I set the refresh interval -30000(5 minutes) to save my free API request.

settings.json您还可以设置股票符号股票颜色样式刷新间隔。 我将刷新间隔设置为30000(5 minutes)以保存我的免费API请求。

The stock price displayed in your VS Code Status Bar is like the below.


a screenshort show the sample of color setting
gain-green/loss-red color style
A screenshot shows the sample of white color setting
gain/loss-white color style


Some programmers have Bitcoins and pay close attention to Bitcoin prices. Install this extension and your status bar can display the current bitcoin value.

一些程序员拥有比特币,并密切关注比特币价格。 安装此扩展程序,您的状态栏即可显示当前的比特币值。

Bitcoin price in the status bar
Bitcoin price in the status bar


a picture of desktop with macbookpro, headphone, iPad Pro and Keyboard.
Photo by Joshua Oluwagbemiga on Unsplash
Joshua Oluwagbemiga在 Unsplash上的 照片

Many programmers have the habit of listening to music during coding. It’s time to introduce the music player to our favorite IDE.

许多程序员都有在编码过程中听音乐的习惯。 现在是时候将音乐播放器引入我们最喜欢的IDE了。

Spotify的音乐时间 (Music Time for Spotify)

This extension is one of the best VS Code music players I have ever used. Both the UI and functions are very professional. In fact, it supports many IDEs such as IntelliJ, Atom, PhpStorm, and Android Studio. Its developers have many other products. If you are interested in it, you can go to their website.

此扩展程序是我用过的最好的VS Code音乐播放器之一。 UI和功能都非常专业。 实际上,它支持许多IDE,例如IntelliJ,Atom,PhpStorm和Android Studio。 它的开发人员还有许多其他产品。 如果您对此感兴趣,可以访问他们的网站。

a picture shows Music Time for Spotify UI
Music Time for Spotify UI
Spotify UI的音乐时间

Core Features


  • Integrated player controls: Control your music right from the status bar of your editor.


  • AI playlists: Get a personalized AI playlist generated using machine learning to help you focus.


  • Metrics profile: Learn how the underlying metrics of music (including tempo, loudness, speechiness, energy, and valence) impact how you code.


  • Personal top 40: See your most productive songs, artists, and genres every week in your weekly top 40.


  • Global top 40: Discover new music from developers around the world in our Software Top 40 playlist.


Software Top 40 is for software developers, ranking the most productive songs based on coding productivity data. This list solves my pain points in selecting and finding songs. Every day, I only need to put on headphones, play this list directly, and start coding.

软件前40名 对于软件开发人员,根据编码效率数据对最有生产力的歌曲进行排名。 这份清单解决了我选择和查找歌曲时的痛点。 每天,我只需要戴上耳机,直接播放此列表,然后开始编码。

a screenshot of Music Time for Spotify in My VS Code.
Music Time for Spotify in My VS Code.
My VS Code中Spotify的音乐时间。

社会的 (Social)

Sometimes we need to surf social media to relax. Reddit is a wonderful choice.

有时我们需要浏览社交媒体以放松身心。 Reddit是一个很棒的选择。

Reddit查看器 (Reddit Viewer)

This is a very programmer-style app. At first, it looks like a piece of code. If you look carefully, you will find the Reddit in your VS Code.

这是一个非常程序员风格的应用程序。 首先,它看起来像一段代码。 如果仔细看,您会在VS Code中找到Reddit。

a screenshot show Display Reddit Article in VS Code
Display Reddit Article
a Zoom in screesshot of Reddit Viewer in VS Code
Zoom in of Reddit Viewer in VS Code
VS Code中的Reddit Viewer放大

Core Features


  • Widget Viewer and Code Viewer

  • Global Search

  • Login Reddit

  • Brower Articles

  • Support change Code Style: JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP

a gif shows how to Login with your reddit account
Login with your reddit account
a gif picture shows Search through Subreddits and articles
Search through Subreddits and articles
a screenshot show the setting of Change Code-style
Change Code-style

The purpose of this article is not to tell you how to slack off at work, but to bring some joy to your “boring” coding work, you can get some relaxation and better complete the coding work.


Your work is your hobby. It’s a fortunate thing. I love coding.

您的工作是您的业余爱好。 这是一件幸运的事。 我喜欢编码。

— By author


A Picture shows “I love coding”, the word love is a heart shape.

Thank you for your reading.


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/4-vs-code-extensions-to-slack-off-at-work-8de88c6ec793




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