js json添加json_在JSON中添加评论的5种方法和工具

news/2024/7/10 2:49:54 标签: python, json, java, vue

js json添加json

In this article, we’ll learn how to use comments in JSON files. We’ll see workarounds and methods used by developers to add single-line and multiple-line comments to their JSON files, the external libraries and packages for stripping comments from your files before feeding them to the regular JSON.parse() method in JavaScript and Node.js and we'll also see simple JavaScript code for removing comments without external libraries. Finally, we'll see the alternative formats to JSON that support comments such as JSON5 and JSONC.

在本文中,我们将学习如何在JSON文件中使用注释。 我们将看到开发人员用于在其JSON文件中添加单行和多行注释的变通办法和方法,以及用于将注释从文件中剥离的外部库和包,然后再将其馈入JavaScript中的常规JSON.parse()方法。和Node.js,我们还将看到简单JavaScript代码,无需外部库即可删除注释。 最后,我们将看到支持注释的JSON替代格式,例如JSON5和JSONC。

JSON不支持注释! (JSON Doesn’t Support Comments!)

As you might be aware of, JSON doesn’t support comments! But as programmers, we are used to add comments so in this article, we’ll see the possible ways that we have to use comments in our JSON files even if they are natively supported by the format.

您可能已经知道,JSON不支持注释! 但是作为程序员,我们习惯于添加注释,因此在本文中,我们将看到在JSON文件中必须使用注释的可能方式,即使该格式本身支持这些注释也是如此。

In fact, comments were not always missing in JSON but were removed later.


This is the reason of removing comments from JSON as stated by Douglas Crockford.

这就是Douglas Crockford所说的从JSON删除注释的原因。

I removed comments from JSON because I saw people were using them to hold parsing directives, a practice which would have destroyed interoperability.


JSON can be mostly needed if you use JSON for your configuration files even if JSON in the first place wasn’t designed for this purpose but for exchanging data but, we see it nowadays used as a configuration format in many apps.


For example the tsconfig.json file which is the configuration file for TypeScript does allow comments, see microsoft/TypeScript#4987.

例如, tsconfig.json文件(它是TypeScript的配置文件)确实允许注释,请参阅microsoft / TypeScript#4987 。

You also can use comments to comment out values in your data files when testing instead of removing them.


As developers we tend always to find a solution for our problems and in case of JSON comments, we also have solutions, let’s explore it.


In nutshell, these are the available ways and tools to add comments in JSON:


  • You can add comments as JSON data,

  • Google’s GYP supports #-style comments,

  • JSON.minify will help you discard C/C++ style comments with JavaScript/Node.js,

    JSON.minify将帮助您使用JavaScript / Node.js放弃C / C ++样式的注释,

  • JSMin is a minification tool for JavaScript that removes comments and unnecessary whitespace from JavaScript files but can be used for JSON files,


  • Hjson: a user interface for JSON that allows you to use comments to document your data inline. You can also use them to comment out values when testing,

    Hjson :JSON的用户界面,允许您使用注释来内联记录数据。 您还可以在测试时使用它们注释掉值,

  • strip-json-comments: It will replace single-line comments // and multi-line comments /**/ with whitespace. This allows JSON error positions to remain as close as possible to the original source. Also available as a Gulp/Grunt/Broccoli plugin,

    strip-json-comments :它将单行注释//和多行注释/**/替换为空格。 这样可以使JSON错误位置尽可能地接近原始源。 也可以作为Gulp / Grunt / Broccoli插件使用 ,

  • comment-json: Parse and stringify JSON with comments in JavaScript/Node.js. It will retain comments even after saved!

    comment-json :使用JavaScript / Node.js中的注释解析和字符串化JSON。 即使保存后,它也将保留评论!

  • nlohmann/json: A JSON parser for modern C++ that provides optional support for ignoring comments on parsing. As stated by the creator of JSON, it’s okay to add comments to your JSON data as long as you use a tool to strip them before parsing the file.

    nlohmann / json :现代C ++的JSON解析器,提供了对忽略解析注释的可选支持。 如JSON的创建者所述,只要在解析文件之前使用工具将其注释掉,就可以在JSON数据中添加注释。

For a detailed explanation, check out how to add comments to JSON.

有关详细说明,请查看如何向JSON添加注释 。

翻译自: https://medium.com/techiediaries-com/5-ways-and-tools-for-adding-comments-in-json-2ea41cbaa628

js json添加json



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