代码 干净_必须知道的干净代码原则

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代码 干净

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In a recent article, I wrote an article called: “40 Tips that will change your coding skills forever”, which is based on the things that have given me more value in this profession. In this new article, I am going to write about one of the books that have most inspired me: The Clean Code book, written by the God Robert C Martin, also known as ‘Uncle Bob.’

在最近的一篇文章中,我写了一篇文章:“ 40条将永远改变您的编码技能的技巧 ”,其依据是使我在该行业中拥有更多价值的事物。 在这篇新文章中,我将写一本最启发我的书:《 清洁密码》书,由上帝罗伯特·C·马丁 ( Robert C.

The book is one of the most important that exists for anyone who wants to be a good software developer. It has a lot of fantastic recommendations and is highly recommended for anyone who wants to improve their development skills.

对于任何想成为优秀软件开发人员的人来说,这本书都是最重要的书之一。 它有很多很棒的建议,强烈建议任何想要提高其开发技能的人使用。

Learning to use different libraries or frameworks is fine, but what is going to move you forward is learning the pillars of this profession. I think the first time I read it was in 2008 or 2009, and my way of developing software changed forever, for better. These principles will serve you forever, no matter what language you learn or what framework you will use.

学会使用不同的库或框架是可以的,但是要带动您前进的是学习该专业的基础。 我认为我是在2008年或2009年第一次阅读该书,并且我的软件开发方式永远都在改变,以求更好。 无论您使用哪种语言或使用哪种框架,这些原则都将永远为您服务。

I am going to select some of the ideas in it (and others that time has taught me), but if you have not read it, I strongly advise you to do so.


Let’s start.


遵循的通用原则: (Universal principles to follow:)

  • Follow standard rules: experiments always end in disaster.

  • Avoid duplication in the code (DRY principle or Don’t Repeat Yourself ).

    避免在代码中重复( DRY原理或请勿重复自己)。

  • We must apply The Boy Scouts rule to our profession: Leave the campground cleaner than you found it.

  • Follow SOLID principles to write clean classes and well-organized APIs.


命名规则: (Names rules:)

  • Use names that can be pronounced well.

  • Choose descriptive and clear names.

  • Use searchable names.

  • Make it easy to remember them.

  • Use names according to the context.

  • Use names that are consistent with each other. For example, it’s confusing to have “retrieved” and “get” as equivalent methods in distinct classes.

    使用彼此一致的名称。 例如,在不同的类中将“检索”和“获取”作为等效方法是令人困惑的。
  • Use the same language in the names of variables, functions: English, French, etc. In my case, I prefer to use English because it’s a standard.

  • Avoid encodings and don’t append prefixes or type information.


注释: (Comments:)

  • Comments are difficult to maintain and don’t tell the truth about the code, so try to avoid it. They are almost always out of date.

    注释很难维护,并且无法说明代码的真相,因此请避免使用它。 他们几乎总是过时的。
  • The code is the best documentation.

  • Don’t be redundant.

  • Avoid unnecessary comments (most of all).

  • Use only as a clarification of code.


功能规则: (Functions rules:)

  • They should be short and only do one thing. If your function is doing more than “one thing,” it is a perfect moment to extract to another function.

    他们应该简短,只能做一件事。 如果您的函数所做的不只是“一件事情”,那是提取到另一个函数的绝佳时机。
  • Avoid passing booleans. Why do you need to pass a Boolean? Do you need to do more than one thing within a function?

    避免传递布尔值。 为什么需要传递布尔值? 您是否需要在一个函数中执行多项操作?

  • Keep the number of arguments as low as possible.

  • Avoid side effects. Declare the arguments as final(Java) if you can.

    避免副作用。 如果可以,将参数声明为final(Java)。
  • Functions should either answer something or do something, but not both.

  • Prefer Exceptions to return error codes and extract error handling try catch into their function.

  • Don’t return a null value. What is null? It does not provide any information.

    不要返回空值。 什么是null? 它不提供任何信息。

设计规则: (Design rules:)

  • You should declare local variables as close as you can to their usage.

  • You should declare instance variables at the top of the class.

  • Constants should be declared at the top of the class or in a Constants class by example.

  • Follow the Law of Demeter: A class should know only its direct dependencies.

    遵循Demeter法则 :类应该只知道其直接依赖关系。

  • Coding is like writing; try to express the purpose of the programmer and the code.

    编码就像写作; 尝试表达程序员的目的和代码。
  • Use dependency injection (DIP).

    使用依赖项注入( DIP )。

  • If you use third-party libraries, wrap them, so if they change, only your wrapper implementation needs to change.

  • It is a good idea to separate concepts vertically.

  • Place methods in a top-down direction.


格式: (Formatting:)

  • Avoid too-long files.

  • Good files have a heading, the critical stuff first, and details later.

  • Although we now have big screens and with high resolution, avoid lines get too long (80 or 120 is perfect, in my case 100). You will get used to being more concise, and your code will be more readable.

    尽管我们现在拥有大屏幕且具有高分辨率,但请避免线条过长(以80或120为最佳,以我为100)。 您将习惯于变得更加简洁,并且代码将更具可读性。
  • Be consistent with the rules of your team.


类: (Classes:)

  • Classes should be small.

  • Classes should have only one responsibility and only one reason to change (SRP).

    班级应该只承担一项责任,只有一个改变的理由( SRP )。

  • Keep utility methods and variables private except some cases for doing testing.

  • Use correctly package levels: public, protected, or package.


对象和数据结构: (Objects and Data Structures:)

  1. Hide internal structure.

  2. If you can, call only your methods of your class, of objects you have created, and avoid call methods reachable through these objects (Law of Demeter).

  3. Improve the decoupling of objects.

  4. Variables should be private and manipulated by getters and setters, but remember, there is no necessity to add getters/setters to each variable to expose them as public.

    变量应该是私有的,并由getter和setter进行操纵,但是请记住,没有必要在每个变量中添加getter / setter以将它们公开。
  5. The base class should know nothing about their derivatives.

  6. Objects expose behavior and hide data. Conversely, data structures expose data and lacks of (significant) behavior.

    对象公开行为并隐藏数据。 相反,数据结构暴露数据并且缺乏(重要的)行为。

异常处理: (Exception handling:)

  • Throwing errors makes code cleaner than checking for status values throughout the code.

  • Provide enough meaning to determine the cause and location of an error.

  • Wrap third-party libraries APIs to remap their exceptions as required.


并发: (Concurrency:)

  • Concurrency, although it may improve the performance of the program, is difficult, so use it wisely and only when required.

  • Keep concurrency control separate from other code.

  • Know basic concepts and basic programming models like mutual exclusion, starvation, or deadlocks.

  • Create locked sections small.


测试: (Tests:)

  • Fast: Unit tests should be fast and being executed in a short time.

  • Independent: Tests should not depend on each other.

  • Repeatable: Tests should be reproducible in any environment.

  • One assert per test.

  • If you have the code covered by tests, you will not be afraid to modify it and break it.

  • TDD: Build your software using tests that guide your development.

    TDD :使用可指导开发的测试来构建软件。

结论 (Conclusion)

Learn the basics and the pillars of programming, and your code will be robust and will adapt to changes more quickly. Also, other programmers will be able to keep it without going crazy.

学习编程的基础知识和基础知识,您的代码将很健壮,并且可以更快地适应更改。 同样,其他程序员也可以保留它而不会发疯。

Thank you very much for reading to me, and thank you for your time!


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/the-must-know-clean-code-principles-1371a14a2e75

代码 干净





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