
news/2024/7/10 1:38:08 标签: java, python, 项目管理, 人工智能, vue


Last summer, I experienced the amazing opportunity of being an intern for one of the hottest, fastest-rising tech companies in the Bay Area: Slack.


Slack is a type of business software and platform that makes it easy for those within a business or community to easily communicate with one another without primarily using email. Sometimes it’s a bit difficult to summarize what Slack really is, given that not everyone knows about it and what it has to offer, so here is a link to a video describing the platform in its entirety.

Slack是一种商业软件和平台,它使企业或社区中的人们可以轻松地彼此通信, 而无需主要使用电子邮件。 有时候,由于并非所有人都知道Slack及其提供的功能,所以很难概括一下Slack的真正含义,因此,这里是指向完整描述该平台的视频的链接 。

Shameless plugging aside, I had an amazing summer in San Francisco. I met a lot of great people, learned new skills, and left with more confidence in myself as a speaker and software engineer.

除了无耻的堵塞,我在旧金山度过了一个美好的夏天。 我遇到了很多很棒的人,学习了新技能,并且对自己作为演讲者和软件工程师的信心倍增。

A lot of people ask me about what my experience was like interning at the company, what I worked on as an intern, my favorite experiences, etc., and it’s difficult to summarize everything in a matter of a few minutes. This inspired me to create this article in which I’ve broken up my experience with the company into three important sections: work, culture, and people.

很多人问我关于在公司实习的经历,作为实习生的经历,我最喜欢的经历等,并且很难在几分钟内总结出所有内容。 这激发了我写这篇文章的灵感,在这篇文章中,我将我在公司的经验分解为三个重要部分: 工作,文化和人员

工作 (Work)

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My first day of onboarding.

Today, most people understand that internships aren’t what they used to be in terms of higher-ups throwing busy work at interns and expecting them to figure everything out on their own. With this in mind, my worries weren’t as bad going into the internship. However, I still didn’t know what to expect. This was my first software engineering internship, and my imposter syndrome for coding was already prominent, and getting ready to make its appearance.

如今,大多数人都明白,实习已经不再像以前那样,高层人士在实习生身上忙于工作,并期望他们自己搞定一切。 考虑到这一点,进入实习岗位的担心并不那么糟糕。 但是,我仍然不知道会发生什么。 这是我的第一个软件工程实习,而我的编码冒名顶替综合症已经很突出,并准备露面。

My first few weeks of the internship were spent on onboarding and ramping up to jump into real engineering work. This included setting up my laptop for software development, working on fixing small bugs in code, learning how to use Slack at Slack (which is pretty insane, by the way), and participating in daily team meetings and project discussions. Throughout all of these events, it became clear that I wasn’t considered just an intern, but instead an engineer. I onboarded and ramped up just the same as any new engineer that joined at the same time as me, and we worked together to achieve the same goals.

我实习的最初几周花在了入职培训上,并逐步投入到实际的工程工作中。 这包括设置我的笔记本电脑进行软件开发,修复代码中的小错误,学习如何 Slack上使用 Slack(顺便说一句,这真是太疯狂了)以及参加日常团队会议和项目讨论。 在所有这些事件中,很明显,我不仅被视为实习生,还被视为工程师。 我的加入和晋升与和我同时加入的任何新工程师一样,我们共同努力以实现相同的目标。

克服路上的颠簸 (Getting over the bumps in the road)

I struggled quite a bit during my internship. Not only did I learn new technologies and practices on a weekly basis, but I was also challenged to work collaboratively on a team and speak up whenever I had an opinion or concern. For some, this might sound “easy”, but for an introvert that prefers to keep to herself most of the time, it was definitely not an easy feat.

在实习期间,我挣扎了很多。 我不仅每周学习新技术和新方法,而且还面临挑战,要与团队合作并在有意见或担忧时大声说出来。 对于某些人来说,这听起来可能很“容易”,但是对于一个内向的人,在大多数情况下喜欢保持内向,这绝对不是一件容易的事。

With the support of my amazing manager Tia, my mentor Ei-Nyung, and everyone on my team during the summer, I was able to get over a good chunk of my imposter syndrome and work collaboratively on projects as an engineer.

在我出色的经理Tia ,我的导师Ei-Nyung和团队中每个人的支持下,我在暑假期间克服了很多冒名顶替综合症,并以工程师的身份进行了项目合作。

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Team photo celebrating Irene Zhou’s retirement, she was one of the early OG Slack employees!
庆祝Irene Zhou退休的团队合影,她是OG Slack的早期员工之一!

Working at Slack is no easy walk in the park for anyone — whether you are a new hire or a “seasoned” veteran. There will always be challenges and new things to learn daily, in which you’ll probably get lost or stuck. However, there is always a support system and a significant amount of resources to help you, especially as a new employee. Slack does a great job of making everyone that joins the company feel as though they belong.

在Slack工作对于任何人来说都不是一件容易的事-无论您是新员工还是经验丰富的老手。 每天总会有挑战和新事物要学习,其中您可能会迷失或陷入困境。 但是,总会有一个支持系统和大量资源来帮助您,特别是作为新员工。 Slack出色地完成了工作,使加入公司的每个人都感到自己属于自己。

文化 (Culture)

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归属感 (The feeling of belonging)

Bouncing off of what I said previously, everyone at Slack does an amazing job of reiterating that you belong and deserve to be at the company. Why else would you be there if you hadn’t made it through all those interviews? They obviously wouldn’t have hired just anybody!

与我之前所说的一样,Slack的每个人都做得非常出色,重申了您的归属感,应该成为公司的一员。 如果您还没有通过所有这些采访,您为什么还会去呢? 他们显然不会雇用任何人!

From day one of onboarding and up until the last day of my internship, it felt as though I was a full-time employee — with the advantage of having the occasional special intern events, of course. Everyone I met treated me as an equal and welcomed me with open arms.

从入职的第一天到实习的最后一天,我感觉自己好像是全职员工,当然,这是偶尔进行特殊实习活动的好处。 我遇到的每个人都平等地对待我,并张开双臂欢迎我。

The starting date of my internship happened to be during the week that Slack was to go public, and I participated in all of the fun celebrations, despite only working there for less than a week! It’s definitely not common for tech companies to go public as easily these days. Therefore, I am forever grateful that I got to experience these moments with people that worked hard to get to this point in their careers.

我实习的开始日期恰好是Slack公开发行的那一周,尽管参加工作不到一周,但我参加了所有有趣的庆祝活动! 如今,科技公司如此轻松地公开上市绝对不常见。 因此,我永远感谢与那些为达到这一职业而努力工作的人们一起经历这些时刻。

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Celebrating public listing day with my team and my intern class.

努力工作,回家 (Work hard, go home)

Another important highlight that really stood out to me about Slack’s culture is the motto of “Work Hard, Go Home”.


A good chunk of tech companies have employee benefits and incentives that usually include free unlimited meals and snacks throughout the week, arcade rooms, gyms, and more that would make any new employee/intern want to stay long term.


The opposite can be said of Slack. Of course, we had free snacks available to us at all times, cool Bevi machines to dispense fresh cold drinks, catered lunch on Mondays, weekly Gather Hours with free dinner and drinks, along with a few other perks. However, it was nothing over the top, and there are a few reasons why.

可以说与Slack相反。 当然,我们随时都提供免费小吃,凉爽的Bevi机分配新鲜的冷饮,周一提供的午餐,每周的聚餐时间,免费的晚餐和饮料以及其他一些福利。 但是,这并不是最重要的,原因有很多。

The main reason is that Slack wants to minimize the number of distractions within the workplace so that you can focus on doing your work for the day and then go home to relax or spend time with your family. In hindsight, having a lot of cool free perks seems amazing, but in reality, they can keep you in the office past general working hours, especially if there’s free dinner or entertainment spaces being offered daily. A co-worker that had previously worked at Google even stated that they spent more hours at work because of the free accessibility of the gym and sports equipment.

主要原因是Slack希望最大程度地减少工作场所的干扰,以便您可以专心做一天的工作,然后回家放松身心或与家人共度时光。 事后看来,有很多很酷的免费专享似乎很棒,但是实际上,它们可以让您在一般工作时间之后留在办公室,特别是如果每​​天有免费的晚餐或娱乐场所。 以前曾在Google工作过的一位同事甚至表示,由于健身房和运动器材的免费使用,他们花了更多时间在工作上。

Of course, as an intern, you want to take advantage of as many of the free perks and amenities as you can. But for me, I was honestly okay with not having that many, since I was able to focus on my work and then go home to not worry about being in the office until the next working day.

当然,作为一名实习生,您想尽可能多地利用免费津贴和便利设施。 但是对我来说,我真的没有那么多,因为我能够专注于工作,然后回家不用担心在下一个工作日才待在办公室,所以我真的没事。

My favorite perks were the 24/7 barista stations where I would get iced chai lattes every day, and the library where I’d mostly work when I didn’t feel like working at my desk.



The people at Slack made the entire experience worthwhile. Everyone genuinely cares about the work they’re doing and the impact they’re making for thousands of customers, and for the growth of the company itself. Experiencing that passion firsthand inspired me to better myself as an engineer and person by working harder to embrace new challenges instead of viewing them as hindrances that would slow down the pace of my internship.

Slack的员工使整个体验都值得。 每个人都真正关心他们正在做的工作以及他们对成千上万的客户产生的影响以及公司自身的成长。 亲身经历这种激情激发了我作为一名工程师和一个人的能力,他通过更加努力地接受新挑战,而不是将它们视为会减慢我实习速度的障碍,从而使自己更好。

I especially enjoyed having the opportunity to meet as many people as I could, whether it was for advice or to just chat over an ice-cold chai iced latte. Some of these amazing people included senior directors of engineering like Arquay Harris and Julia Grace, Michael Lopp, who was VP of product engineering, and Cal Henderson — the CTO of the entire company. My manager Tia even made the statement that I was brave enough to speak to Cal 1:1 — since most engineers were “afraid” to speak to him. He’s actually a really nice guy!

我特别喜欢有机会与尽可能多的人见面,无论是寻求建议还是在冰冷的柴冰拿铁上聊天。 其中一些出色的人包括工程高级主管,例如Arquay Harris和Julia Grace ,产品工程副总裁Michael Lopp ,以及整个公司的CTO Cal Henderson 。 我的经理Tia甚至声明我很勇敢地与Cal 1:1对话-因为大多数工程师都“害怕”与他对话。 他实际上是一个非常好的人!

A common theme I noticed from talking with different employees at Slack is that most of them said that they would continue to work at the company because of the people. Everyone at Slack is passionate about their job and just wants the best for you, in which they are willing to help you succeed by offering any advice or guidance they might be able to give. During my time over the summer, I really appreciated this inclusivity and support.

我在与Slack的不同员工交谈时注意到一个共同的主题,即他们中的大多数人都说由于员工的缘故,他们将继续在公司工作。 Slack的每个人都对自己的工作充满热情,只想为您提供最好的服务,他们愿意通过提供可能提供的任何建议或指导来帮助您成功。 在暑假期间,我非常感谢这种包容性和支持。

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Celebrating Juneteenth during my first week

综上所述 (In Summary)

Having the opportunity to intern at Slack last summer was definitely an experience that I will never forget. It was truly a life-changing experience for me, and I applied a lot of the lessons I learned to my life and work after the internship. I’m happy to be a returning intern this summer and I look forward to trying out a new engineering role and reconnecting with many people.

去年夏天有机会在Slack实习,这绝对是我永远不会忘记的经历。 对我而言,这确实是一次改变生活的经历,在实习后,我将所学到的很多经验应用到了我的生活和工作中。 我很高兴在今年夏天成为实习生,并期待尝试新的工程职位并与许多人重新建立联系。

10/10 would recommend Slack to any students looking to intern at a company that truly puts an emphasis and effort into their work, culture, and people's values.


If you have any follow-up questions regarding my experience at Slack, feel free to leave a response.


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/the-slackternship-experience-bf70d417bba4




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