chrome 前端插件_如何将前端项目转换为chrome扩展

news/2024/7/10 1:05:34 标签: vue, chrome, java, html, js

html" title=chrome>chrome 前端插件

The Chrome extension can greatly extend the functions of Chrome and has a huge market and commercial value. As a front-end programmer, can you write a Chrome extension?

Chrome扩展程序可以极大地扩展Chrome的功能,并具有巨大的市场和商业价值。 作为前端程序员,您可以编写Chrome扩展程序吗?

Chrome extensions are written using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and we don’t need to learn a new development language. Every front-end developer can easily transform their existing project into a Chrome extension project.

Chrome扩展程序是使用HTML,CSS和JavaScript编写的,我们无需学习新的开发语言。 每个前端开发人员都可以轻松地将其现有项目转换为Chrome扩展项目。

Suppose we now have a very simple front-end project in which there is currently only one index.html file. This file is used to display the current system time:

假设我们现在有一个非常简单的前端项目,其中目前只有一个index.html文件。 此文件用于显示当前系统时间:

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Okay, so let’s get started with transforming this very simple front-end project into a Chrome extension.


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manifest.json (manifest.json)

Chrome specifies that all extension projects must have a manifest.json file in the root directory, which identifies an extension project and performs various configurations.


Now let’s add a manifest file to the root directory of the project and write the following.


"name": "My Extension",
"version": "1.0",
"manifest_version": 2,
"browser_action": {
"default_popup": "index.html"
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The name field declares the name of our extension, which will be the name of your extension if you upload it to the Chrome Web Store in the future. version is the version number of our project. The manifest_version is what the version number of our manifest file is, and so far this value is always 2.

name字段声明了我们的扩展程序的名称,如果将来您将其上载到Chrome网上应用店,它将作为扩展程序的名称。 version是我们项目的版本号。 manifest_version是清单文件的版本号,到目前为止,该值始终为2。

The browser_action field is used to configure our extension’s behaviors. When we click on the extension in Chrome, we open the rendered page from the HTML file corresponding to default_popup.

browser_action字段用于配置扩展程序的行为。 当我们单击Chrome中的扩展程序时,我们从与default_popup对应HTML文件中打开呈现的页面。

The GIF below is what the extension looks like for now.


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安装扩展 (Install Extension)

With the configuration complete, we are now ready to install the extension we just wrote into Chrome browser so that we can test the project.


There are three steps to installing a extension:


  • open html" title=chrome>chrome://extensions/

    打开html" title=chrome>chrome:// extensions /
  • turn developer mode on

    开启developer mode

  • unpload unpack project

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HTML脚本 (HTML Script)

Careful readers may have noticed that JavaScript scripts in HTML are not executed.


We have this script in our HTML file:


<script type="text/html" title=java>javascript">
let interval = setInterval(() => {
.innerText = new Date().toString()
}, 1000);

But this code is not executed. This is because Chrome dictates that JavaScript scripts from HTML files in extensions can only be placed in separate files, not embedded in HTML files. So we need to create an extra .js file and put the JavaScript code there.

但是此代码未执行。 这是因为Chrome要求扩展程序中HTML文件中JavaScript脚本只能放置在单独的文件中,而不能嵌入HTML文件中。 因此,我们需要创建一个额外的.js文件,并将JavaScript代码放在此处。

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And in the HTML file, we cam simply reference this code.


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At this point, we’re reloading our extension, and we can see that the JavaScript script is working properly.


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Click this to reload extension
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The script works.

图标 (icon)

Next, let’s add a nice looking icon to the extension.


First we prepare an image and then put it into the project.


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Next we need to configure the manifest file to declare our logo. So to be specific, we could write it this way:

接下来,我们需要配置清单文件以声明我们的徽标。 因此,具体来说,我们可以这样写:

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The default_icon field is used to declare icons. Now refresh our extension and you will see that the logo has changed.

default_icon字段用于声明图标。 现在刷新我们的扩展名,您将看到徽标已更改。

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后台脚本 (The background script)

One of the drawbacks of previous JavaScript scripts is that they don’t start running until the user clicks on the extension icon. But a lot of times, we want the script to start executing as soon as the user starts the browser, so what do we do?

以前JavaScript脚本的缺点之一是它们只有在用户单击扩展图标后才开始运行。 但是很多时候,我们希望脚本在用户启动浏览器后立即开始执行,那么我们该怎么办?

First, let’s simply write a new script:


alert("Hello! -- from background/main.js")setTimeout(()=>{
alert("Hi! -- from background/main.js")
}, 2000)
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Then configure the manifest file.


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The background/script field is used to configure the script to run in the background. It is an array that can be configured with multiple files running in the background.

background/script字段用于将脚本配置为在后台运行。 它是一个可以配置为在后台运行多个文件的阵列。

Next, let’s reload the extension and test how it works.


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it works.

内容脚本 (Content Script)

Sometimes we want extensions that execute scripts after the user has opened a web page. For example, when the user opens, “Hello Medium” will pop up. When a user opens, “Hi, GitHub” pops up.

有时,我们希望扩展程序在用户打开网页后执行脚本。 例如,当用户打开Medium.com时,将弹出“Hello Medium” 。 当用户打开GitHub.com时,会弹出“Hi, GitHub”

To do that, we need to use content script. Conten script is a script that is executed only when the user opens certain web pages.

为此,我们需要使用内容脚本。 内容脚本是仅当用户打开某些网页时才执行的脚本。

Let’s start by writing two simple script files.


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Then configure the manifest file.


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"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["*://*"],
"js": ["content/"]
}, {
"matches": ["*://*"],
"js": ["content/"]

"*://*” will match any page on the Medium, so when we open any Medium page, “content/ will be executed.


"*://*” will match any page on the GitHub, so when we open any GitHub page, “content/ will be executed.


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结论 (Conclusion)

Well, this article covers the basics of developing Chrome extensions, and now you can turn one of your own front-end projects into a Chrome extension.


The source code for the project is available on GitHub:


翻译自:" title=java>javascript-in-plain-english/how-to-transform-a-frontend-project-into-a-html" title=chrome>chrome-extension-675d0821cc6d

html" title=chrome>chrome 前端插件


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