
news/2024/7/9 23:52:08 标签: vue, java, python, spring


An amazing conference regarding the Vue framework was held in the US in the first week of March 2020 for two fantastic days. Some spectacular presentations were given during that time regarding the design, feature, and application tools of the framework. One of the most eye gazing things was that combining vue.js development services, professionals, and others as there were more than 900 attendees at the event. The brand new composition API for the Vue3 was the talk of the town.

关于Vue框架的惊人会议于2020年3月的第一周在美国举行了为期两天的精彩会议。 在此期间,针对框架的设计,功能和应用工具进行了一些壮观的演示。 最引人注目的一件事是将vue.js开发服务,专业人员和其他人员结合在一起,因为有900多名与会者参加了此次活动。 Vue3的全新合成API是该镇的话题。

All this leads to the conclusion that Vue might have an opportunity to be the most amazing for the year 2020. While the first quarter has been significantly better for it, let’s look at some of the characteristics which make the Vue an amazing framework for 2020.


友好的学习曲线和易于集成 (Friendly learning curve & ease of integration)

Ask any Vue.js developer and they will tell you that how working with this framework is very relaxing and even if you are a beginner, fundamental knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript is good enough to build a simple application.


Do you know more than 75% of Vue.js development services just prefer it because of its ease of integration? This means you can hire Vue.js developers to build the application right from the scratch or can get an existing application accommodated to your requirements.

您是否知道超过75%的Vue.js开发服务因为易于集成而偏爱它? 这意味着您可以雇用Vue.js开发人员从头开始构建应用程序,也可以获取满足您要求的现有应用程序。

Although the inbuilt guide and documentation of the Vue framework make it sufficient for you to start coding.


This might interest you to know that Vue.js is for progressive web applications which also support libraries like Vue router, Vuex, Vue Test Utils, Vue-dev tools, Vue CLI for performing various functions.

您可能会知道Vue.js适用于渐进式Web应用程序,该应用程序还支持Vue路由器,Vuex,Vue Test Utils,Vue-dev工具, Vue CLI等库,用于执行各种功能。

It may seem a bit exaggerated but the truth is whether its loader, renderer, component caching or asset preload, etc every tool, every component in this framework performs very efficiently.


Vue.js成为最流行的基于JS的框架的主要原因 (Top reasons why Vue.js is becoming the most trending JS-based framework)

As noted above how Vue.js development services state that creating an application with Vue is very simple. So now we are going to look briefly into some of the top reasons why Vue.js development companies favor it from the stack of all JS-based frameworks.

如上所述,Vue.js开发服务如何声明使用Vue创建应用程序非常简单。 因此,现在我们将简要探讨Vue.js开发公司为什么从所有基于JS的框架堆栈中偏爱它的一些主要原因。

Adaptable development environment: Very beneficial to the large scale projects, now and again Vue.js has proved that it adjusts with the components of other applications and develops it in remarkably less time compared to other JS-frameworks. Have you wondered why people are using it comprehensively?

适应性强的开发环境: Vue.js一次又一次证明对大型项目非常有益,与其他JS框架相比,它已经证明可以与其他应用程序的组件进行调整,并且开发时间大大减少。 您是否想知道为什么人们会全面使用它?

Supported Libraries: Vue.js provides support libraries for any possible difficulties a developer might face. As Vue Router is for routing, Vuex for state management, Vue Test Utils for unit testing, Vue-dev tools for debugging, and Vue CLI for plugin management. And the best part here is this all inbuilt are accessible 24/7. Vue.js developer can rectify or alter the coding with the help of these support libraries.

支持的库: Vue.js为开发人员可能遇到的任何困难提供了支持库 。 由于Vue路由器用于路由,Vuex用于状态管理,Vue Test Utils用于单元测试,Vue-dev工具用于调试,Vue CLI用于插件管理。 最棒的是,所有内置的设备都可以24/7访问。 Vue.js开发人员可以在这些支持库的帮助下更正或更改编码。

Great Performance: For developing mobile apps, this framework tends to perform well in comparison to other frameworks. The speed of the loading page is significantly better than any other Javascript. Whether it’s a website or any other application, reliability and great performance is always the best advantage of the framework.

出色的性能:对于开发移动应用程序,该框架与其他框架相比往往表现良好。 加载页面的速度明显优于任何其他Javascript。 无论是网站还是任何其他应用程序,可靠性和出色的性能始终是该框架的最大优势。

Community meets: Live events or meetings are organized regularly so that the Vue.js developer can get the regular updates of the features and benefits of the framework. This community is growing bigger day by day and is managed by Evan You, the developer of Vue.js framework himself.

社区会议:定期组织现场活动或会议,以便Vue.js开发人员可以定期更新框架的功能和优势。 这个社区正在日趋庞大,由Vue.js框架开发人员Evan You管理。

Ease of Learning: As already mentioned above, if any developer had any fundamental knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript then it’s very easy to learn the Vue.js framework. Apart from that, Vue.js developers find it amazing to receive guidance from the inbuilt documentation, and several tried and tested solutions to build an application or cookie-cutter solutions to build an application.

易于学习:如上所述,如果任何开发人员都具备HTML,CSS和Javascript的基础知识,那么学习Vue.js框架就非常容易。 除此之外,Vue.js开发人员发现从内置文档中获得指导,以及一些经过实践检验的解决方案来构建应用程序或使用cookie切割器解决方案来构建应用程序,都非常令人惊奇。

HTML Templates: Any developer who’s good at HTML can use the HTML templates available in the framework, to refurbish already existing applications.


Tech giants use Vue.js: Facebook, Alibaba, Xiaomi, Grammarly, Adobe, and many more tech giants to use Vue.js framework to develop applications. You’ll learn more about how some of these companies apply Vue.js development services later in this post.

科技巨头使用Vue.js: Facebook,阿里巴巴,小米,语法,Adobe和许多其他科技巨头使用Vue.js框架来开发应用程序。 您将在本文后面的内容中详细了解其中一些公司如何应用Vue.js开发服务。

为什么Vue最好? (Why is Vue the best?)

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Now why Vue.js and not any other framework? Is it because more and more tech giants are trending towards it or are there any reasons for real? Let’s find out!

现在为什么选择Vue.js,而不选择其他任何框架? 是因为越来越多的科技巨头朝着这一趋势发展,还是有任何真正的理由? 让我们找出答案!

  • The satisfaction ratio of Vue.js is incredibly higher among all frameworks.

  • It’s very easy to integrate the Vue.js into any pre-existing application by adding a layer of pages or visual elements.


  • A component-based and featured packed framework is necessary to build an application with a chance to modify it in the future. And Vue.js is just the right one to have in your tech stack as it’s in-built support libraries allow flexibility to build an application with scalability in the future.

    基于组件的功能性打包框架对于构建应用程序很有必要,将来有机会对其进行修改。 Vue.js恰恰是您的技术堆栈中合适的一个,因为它的内置支持库允许将来灵活地构建具有可伸缩性的应用程序。
  • The interesting advantage of this framework is one must only have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and Javascript and then you can learn Vue.js framework to build an application very effortlessly.

  • Having DevTools, now debugging an application is super easy with the Vue.js framework.

  • Along with the ease of use, its ability to integrate, flexibility, and scalability make it very convenient to utilize it for any application development project.

  • The component-based method of the Vue.js framework gives good manageability over the entire project and no re-writable work is required in the future.

  • All data can be stored without rendering or modifications and can be availed whenever you want.


一些最好的Vue.js框架 (Some of the best Vue.js Frameworks)

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After discussing the reasons behind the awesomeness of the framework, you might be curious to know in-depth about Vue.js. So, among the large range of frameworks, here is a list of some of the best Vue.js frameworks.

在讨论了框架令人敬畏的原因之后,您可能想知道有关Vue.js的更多信息。 因此,在众多框架中,下面列出了一些最佳的Vue.js框架。

Nuxt.js: This framework is used to create a Vue app and helps in configuring or extending the structure.


VuePress: A static site generator that provides theme-based solutions to assist you in project development.


Gridsome: Used for developing PWAs but also helps with the performance of some other tools too.


Vue Storefront: Builds a backend framework for e-commerce and voice features similar to Alexa and Google Assistant.

Vue店面:建立类似于Alexa和Google Assistant的电子商务和语音功能后端框架。

VueFront: Used to create blogs and eCommerce sites due to the incorporation of the SPA frontend.


Vuetify.js: A complete design framework that is rich with features and components. It has you covered at every step of the application development process.

Vuetify.js:一个完整的设计框架,具有丰富的功能和组件。 它涵盖了应用程序开发过程的每个步骤。

Quasar-Framework: You can create PWAs, mobile apps, or websites with the same codebase using this frontend open-source framework. It is fully stocked with more than 120 advanced features.

类框架:您可以使用此前端开源框架创建具有相同代码库的PWA,移动应用或网站。 它备有120多种高级功能。

Vuesax: It’s a support library with amazing designs to make the application development part easy.


Buefy: A lightweight UI supported library with no internal dependencies.


Bootstrap Vue: Receiving 30 plugins + 80 UI components is not a bad deal at all! Also, you get the Bootstrap V4 component and the grid system as a bonus.

Bootstrap Vue:接收30个插件+ 80个UI组件根本不是一件坏事! 此外,您还将获得Bootstrap V4组件和网格系统作为奖励。

Element UI: A toolkit with the project manager and designer sketch templates.


Vue Material: Vue Material Dashboard and Vue Material Kit have some elegant themes which are created in this framework.

Vue材质: Vue材质仪表板和Vue材质套件具有一些在此框架中创建的优雅主题。

Keen UI: A collection of UI components used in the structure, CSS framework, or any page layout.


Framework7: An open-source framework that offers a great variety of themes to develop hybrid mobile apps.


Vux: A collection of Vue based mobile UI components that can be utilized in a modular way.


Onsen UI: Lay out a variety of components to develop hybrid mobile apps.

Onsen UI:布局各种组件以开发混合移动应用程序。

The components of all these Vue.js frameworks automatically adapt the style of the respective device on which it is running.


顶级公司正在使用Vue (Top companies are using Vue)

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According to the survey of StackOverflow, the vue.js is one of the most extensively used frameworks by web developers. As I mentioned before, many top companies in the world also operate on the Vue framework. So, let us get into what these companies avail from Vue.js.

根据StackOverflow的调查,vue.js是Web开发人员使用最广泛的框架之一。 如前所述,世界上许多顶级公司也都在Vue框架上运作。 因此,让我们了解一下这些公司从Vue.js获得的收益。

  • Google is utilizing Vue for its career page.

  • Apple employs Vue in some of their tutorials.

  • Vue wields the loyalty program named “My Nintendo” on the official webpage for the Japanese videogame company named Nintendo.

    Vue在名为Nintendo的日本视频游戏公司的官方网页上使用了名为“ My Nintendo”的会员计划。
  • The usage of Vue for the web app is done by the Behance, part of the Adobe family.

  • Vue and Nuxt are maneuvering the web projects for the Oval Money, a promising Fintech startup.

    Vue和Nuxt正在为有前途的金融科技初创公司Oval Money操纵网络项目。
  • Trivago applies Vue for their online magazine.

  • Gitlab is a single most application developed with Vue which is used substantially by software developers.

  • 9GAG, one of the most popular platforms, has been benefiting from the Vue framework.


结论 (Conclusion)

Nowadays picking a framework for developing web applications has become a tough decision to make, easy or simple learning curve and a large range of components with support libraries makes Vue just the right tool to use.


Although great performance, adaptability, cost, and time effectiveness, are the reasons why some of the top tech companies currently use and gain advantages from the Vue framework, the upcoming versions of the framework hold far more possibilities in the future.


Seeing such progress of the Vue framework and its community, it is safe to say that this will be an amazing tool for the running year.


Keep watching the space to get a better perspective regarding the same.





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