雅虎财经 api_雅虎音乐API

news/2024/7/10 1:56:30 标签: java, javascript, php, linux, vue
雅虎财经 api

雅虎财经 api

This was meant to be a longer posts with examples and such, but Jim Bumgardner said it and coded it better than I could 🙂 He's been with Y!Music way longer than me and has done way cooler stuff.

这本来应该是带有示例等内容的更长篇幅,但Jim Bumgardner则说了这一点,并编写了比我更好的代码。他在Y!Music工作的时间比我更长,并且做得更酷。

As a front-end engineer for Yahoo! Music, I've always thought it would great if the web services we use to create the Y! Music pages were available to developers outside of Yahoo!, and, as of today, due to the herculean labors of our web services team, they are!

作为Yahoo!的前端工程师音乐,我一直认为,如果我们使用Web服务来创建Y,那就太好了! 音乐页面可供Yahoo!以外的开发人员使用,并且由于今天我们的Web服务团队的辛苦工作,它们可以了!

Full blog post and code examples are on the YDN (Yahoo! Developer Network) blog and the Music API docs are there too.

完整的博客文章和代码示例在YDN(Yahoo!开发人员网络)博客上,并且Music API文档也在那里。

Could you come up with an idea of a mashup using music data like artists, songs, similarities? The APIs are here.

您能否提出一个使用艺术家,歌曲,相似性之类的音乐数据进行混搭的想法? API在这里。

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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/yahoo-music-api/

雅虎财经 api




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