Django | 创建和使用母版页

news/2024/7/10 3:04:39 标签: python, django, vue, html, js

在Django中创建和使用MasterPages (Creating and Using MasterPages in Django)

MasterPages are a type Template that are used to implement common design across the web applications.


Step 1: Create Sandbox, Activate it, Install Django 1.9, Create Sample Project

第1步:创建沙箱,将其激活,安装Django 1.9,创建示例项目

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Step 2: Select Project Folder i.e. myapp (Outer One) and add new folder with name "templates".

步骤2:选择项目文件夹,即myapp (外部文件夹),然后添加名称为“ templates”的新文件夹。

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Step 3: This templates folder is root location for all html templates. Add a base template i.e. base.html in this folder.

步骤3:此模板文件夹是所有html模板的根目录。 在此文件夹中添加基本模板,即base.html

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Step 4: I divided Base template (Master page) into 4 Sections i.e.


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Different Sections of Body Tag on base.html


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Step 5: Add Child Pages which are inherited from base.html and add their individual contents.


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Step 6: Add templates location to in admin app i.e. myapp (inner one)


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Step 7: Add Controller (i.e. in Admin App (i.e. myapp[inner one])

第7步:在Admin App(即myapp [inner one])中添加控制器(即

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Step 8: Add Controller Action Methods in Controller (i.e.

步骤8:在Controller中添加Controller Action Methods(即

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Step 9: Map routes to action methods in of admin app (i.e. myapp[inner])

第9步:在管理应用程序的即myapp [inner])中将路由映射到操作方法

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Step 10: Run the Server


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Step 11: Open browser and type:

步骤11:打开浏览器并输入: http : // : 4500

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